This post gives an honest, unbiased review for Norwex cleaning supplies from a naturally-minded mom. (Not a Norwex rep!)

I have spent at least eleventy billion hours cleaning my house thus far.
Okay, that’s a total lie. If that were true it would be a heck of a lot more sparkling clean around here. Half that number, then half it again, then – oh never mind.
Let’s just say that while I love a clean and sparkling house, the actual scrub-a-dub-dub doesn’t set my heart a-flutter. You feel me?
That’s why the cleaning tools that I use (when I use them, ahem) need to be top-notch. No messing around with sub-par stuff that takes longer and doesn’t work as well, thus requiring me to clean *more* often. Ain’t nobody got time for that amirite?!
Messy house whining aside, when it comes down to it – we all have to clean sooner or later. Some sooner, some later, but that’s beside the point. And you probably want to do it with as few toxic chemicals as possible. (Read more about the ingredients in conventional cleaning supplies here.)
More ways to avoid toxins: in your drinking water (Hidden Toxins in Your Drinking Water), in your cleaning supplies (“Check out my unbiased norwex review“), in your body care items (how to find a natural deodorant that works), in your menstrual supplies (Guide to Reusable Menstrual Supplies) and in the summer (3 Toxins to Avoid This Summer (& What to Use Instead))
Detoxing your cleaning supplies is one of the easiest baby steps to take toward a more natural, toxin-free lifestyle, and may I just say: Norwex is my ultimate favorite non-toxic cleaning product. I have happily used several Norwex products for nine years now, so writing this post was a total no-brainer.
Note: I’m not a Norwex rep, and have never been one. I’m just a satisfied customer and a naturally-minded mom who wants natural products that actually work. This was originally a review post that was sponsored by a Norwex rep friend, but she has since closed up shop, so I’ve added some amazon affiliate links for Norwex products below, as well as a few to a well-reviewed competitor so that you can check out both.
Why is Norwex Better?
After hours of research and many years of personal experience in using Norwex products – I believe Norwex is the best quality natural cleaning product on the market right now (with one possible competitor – see below).
Here are some key reasons I love my Norwex cleaning supplies with the fiery passion of a thousand lovers (or something along those lines…)
1. Norwex Products are Anti-Bacterial
The basic premise is that the incredible quality of the microfiber picks up even the tiniest particles and organisms when it’s wet, including germs, which are then rinsed down the drain when you rinse the cloth out. The cloth then disinfects itself naturally while it dries and awaits your next use.
There are two factors here that relate to the anti-bacterial claims.
A) Significantly Higher-Quality Microfibre
Average store-bought microfibre cloths are probably an average of around 1/16th the width of a human hair, whereas Norwex microfibre is 1/200th. This effectively means that Norwex cloths are far superior at grabbing up dirt and germs that you can’t even see – leaving the surface cleaner than the alternative.

B) Embedded Silver (aka “BacLock”)
Many Norwex products are also labeled “BacLock”, which means that they contain a silver-based agent embedded into the tiny microfibres of the cloth.
Silver is a naturally anti-bacterial agent. According to this study: “the antibacterial activity of silver has long been known and has found a variety of applications because its toxicity to human cells is considerably lower than to bacteria.”
Side note: I use colloidal silver on occasion for medicinal purposes, and have been very successful with it. I especially like the spray for sore throats. This study found that silver has antiviral properties.
The silver in the cloth is not meant to disinfect the surface (a common misconception) but rather it’s designed to inhibit bacterial growth, mold, and mildew in the cloth itself as it dries over a 24-hour period.
Note: It’s still recommended to launder it after especially heavy-duty uses, like raw meat juices on the counter, or cleaning the toilet, but for regular everyday use you can simply rinse it well and hang to dry. I love not having to throw my kitchen cloth in the wash every time I use it.
With regular cloths I only let them go about half a day before throwing them in the laundry. With my Norwex kitchen cloth, I wait more like 3-5 days.

2. Norwex Actually Cleans Better Than the Alternatives – Natural or Not!
This is perhaps the best part of all. Once I started using a norwex window cloth, I refused to use anything else on all of my stainless steel and glass. It’s absolutely incredible. I honestly wouldn’t have imagined the difference it would make, but it really, really does.
I clean my stainless steel faucet with a regular ol’ cloth + homemade cleaning spray… and it’s clean (with more scrubbing), but full of streaks and smudgy spots. The Norwex window cloth makes it as flawlessly shiny as when it was brand new. No kidding.
And since shiny things are my favorite, the window cloth is my BFF. It does the same for mirrors and other glass. It impresses the heck right outta me. Dare I say: it *almost* makes cleaning legitimately fun.
Check out this photo I posted on Instagram a while ago to show my glass shower, cleaned with my Norwex window cloth.
On the left = gross soap scum, and on the right = the CLOSED shower door that I had just cleaned with just my wet Norwex window cloth. Amazing, right?!

3. Norwex is Actually Cheaper in the Long Run
With Norwex, I would advise to prepare for sticker shock, but also – in my normally-very-frugal opinion, the Norwex cloths are actually worth the money because they last so long and are total workhorses in their efficiency.
You should also know that Norwex is no cheap dollar store microfiber. Cheaply made microfiber cannot compare – I’ve used them, and thrown it in the back of my closet never to see the light of day again. They’re a clearly superior product to anyone who tries them.
My enviro cloths and window cloth that I bought nine years ago (a 4-pack of the travel sized cloths in order to save money back then!) are still going strong, and I still favor them over all other cleaning supplies. I figure they’ve probably saved me a ton of time and money by now simply by being so much more efficient than other options, and lasting this long without wearing out. (I’ve since added a couple more cloths to my collection so that I can keep them in different spots in the house.)
Plus – think of all of the disposable cloths, towels, and sprays that people buy… I haven’t bought that stuff in years other than some toilet bowl cleaner!

4. Norwex Makes Cleaning Simple and Easy
Norwex products are completely free of harmful chemicals, yet you can use them with only water for maximum efficacy! In fact, soap can clog the fibers, so it’s recommended to stick with water.
Because they’re free of the toxic chemicals found in conventional (and some so-called “natural” or “organic”) cleaners (check out this article at the EWG for info on the lack of transparency in labeling on cleaning and personal care products), they are totally perfect for anyone that has allergies or chemical sensitivities. Or, you know, lungs.
I don’t know about you, but I don’t especially want to breathe in more toxic chemicals that what’s already around me in items I can’t avoid – like furniture, product packaging, and more. Also, in case you haven’t already – you can check out the safety rating on your favorite cleaning products at the Environmental Working Group’s database here.
I also LOVE that I can just wet it and go. No hauling out an assortment of cleaning scrubs and sprays – just wetting it provides enough ‘oomph’ to the cloth to clean almost any mess. (I do have one small jar of their cleaning paste that I use and love for tough jobs.)
And of course, the fact that I can clean pretty well my whole house with just a few cloths or scub mitts is pretty amazing. I love the simplicity of this system!
Which Norwex Products are Best?
In case I haven’t made myself clear yet: I honestly love Norwex.
- Enviro Cloth (I have several, and keep them in different rooms for quick usage!)
- Kitchen Cloth (I adore the thickness of this cloth, and the deep grooves that easily scrub away tough kitchen messes. I use it every day.)
- Dusting Mitt (absolutely perfect for my kids to use – they think it’s great fun, and it actually picks up dust amazingly well with ease.)
- Bathroom Scrub Mitt (cleaning the tub is so easy with this mitt. This thing has serious scrubbing power.
- Cleaning Paste (I use this stuff only when my regular Norwex cloths fail me… so, rarely. And it only takes a small bit. But it’s great to get the tough spots that you figure were a lost cause – like toddler art on your walls.)
Is Norwex an MLM?
Yes, Norwex’s business structure is that of a multi-level marketing company. This is not the same as a pyramid scheme – those are illegal. An MLM is a company like Tupperware or Pampered Chef (or hundreds of others) where the sales reps sell to you directly and get a commission (some MLM companies also allow you to buy directly from the website or amazon, but many do not), but they have the most earning potential by recruiting others under them to join as sales reps. Each rep tries to recruit more people, hence the “multi-level” marketing.
Lots of people have criticisms of the MLM model, and honestly – I agree with some of them. I think that the prices of most MLM products are inflated, and that’s usually because there are a lot of people needing to get paid in the pipeline. With non-MLM companies, you’re not paying a sales rep, so prices can be lower. MLMs will claim that their product is superior, but that’s not always true. Many MLMs offer an excellent product – like Norwex – but they’re not necessarily the only ones doing so. Which leads me to…
Are There Comparable Alternatives to Norwex?
Personally, I’m a huge fan of my Norwex products that I’ve been happily been using for years. I’ve raved about them to family and friends, and because they’re so well-made and durable, I haven’t had the opportunity/need to try any other brands (other than the dollar-store cloths, which were a mistake).
However – I did some research on alternatives to Norwex, and one brand was mentioned by numerous different sources as being comparable in quality, but lower in price, and it’s called eCloth.
I have not actually used any of their products, but based on their excellent reviews and comparable claims, I wanted to let you know about them. They’re a lower-priced option you might want to try if Norwex is out of your budget. If I ever try them myself (if my Norwex cloths ever wear out!) then I’ll be sure to come back here and update with my opinion.
Whatever you use to clean your home, consider investing in some good-quality tools to do it. You don’t need to spend extra time and frustration on cleaning. Clean less, enjoy life more!
Don’t miss my Spring Cleaning Checklist: The Ultimate Guide for Busy Families!

1. Lansdown, Alan B G. “A pharmacological and toxicological profile of silver as an antimicrobial agent in medical devices.” Advances in pharmacological sciences vol. 2010 (2010): 910686. doi:10.1155/2010/910686
2. Chang, Te-Wen, Weinstein, Louis. “In Vitro Activity of Silver Sulfadiazine against Herpesvirus hominis.” The Journal of Infectious Diseases, vol. 132, Issue 1 (1975)
Yes you definitely can. ☺
Julia Carey
Do you use Norwex cleaning/laundry products other than the paste? If so, what do you recommend.
I love the scrubbing mitt, the basic cleaning cloth, and the window cloths. Those are my top picks! I know they sell a ton more items, but I’m a bit of a spendthrift, so it’s hard to convince me to buy stuff. 🙂
Cheryle Pittack
The laundry detergent is the best to use on your cloth and all your laundry
Chemical free
Janet L Knapp
Hi Julia! My name is Janet and I’m a Norwex Independent Consultant. I just read the above article, hence my seeing your comment just now. Norwex has a fantastic laundry powder than can also be used, dissolved in water, as a wonderful multi use cleaning spray! It’s called Ultra Power Plus, and it contains no filters, phosphates, optical brighteners, or any other toxins. It’s super concentrated, so you can do an entire large load of laundry in an HE washing machine using just 1 teaspoon of the powder! Conventional machines use just 1 tablespoon of powder. If you’d like more information, please reach me at [email protected], or via my website at I look forward to hearing from you! 😃
Hi there. I am interested in trying this product but am really weary of the “green” claims. Time and again, “natural” and “clean” products turn out to be harmful. If this company’s products are so great and have been around for so long, why hasn’t EWG tested them yet? Something is not adding up…
I’m not really sure about EWG. Perhaps because this is not a cleaner or body care product – it’s just a cloth? Regardless, my review is totally honest. I don’t sell them. I’m just sharing my experience. They work super well even if you don’t believe any of the claims. Plus they work with just water, which is a win in my books.
Karen Hinkel
I agree 100% this product is by far the best on the market. This product has been on the market for over 26yrs!!! Its just now people are waking up to the harmful toxins involved in using harmful chemicals to clean their homes, bodies, vehicles, you name it.. This company has year after year has had time to improve their products..
EWG does not test products for direct sell brands. But you can look up the NO NO list of Norwex and compare it on EWG.
Sandi G
Norwex is an extremely environmentally friendly company.
Norwex creates quality products that help save the earth an your budget by reducing plastic and single use disposables like paper towels, wipes, dryer sheets and more. Many of their microfiber products contain up to 70% recycled materials, and even have a recycling program if ever you need to retire a cloth. They are packaging more household products in OceanBound Plastic, helping to reclaim plastic headed for the sea.
I love my Norwex and you will too. I hope that helps your decision. Oh, and I have also done my research… eCloth may be comparable in style and function, but they don’t have the self purifying silver technology (known as Baclock), and Norwex has a 2 year warranty on most of their coths!! Can you say that about the cleaning products you use?
Norwex seems to be one of the least scammy MLMs but even their own info on their Instagram etc will tell you they arent anti viral nor do they kill the flu. The study you cited isnt about the silver in the rag – so isnt particularly relevant. However, I have lots of friends who love using norwex as they are using fewer harsher chemicals to clean.
Just because something isnt illegal doesnt mean it isnt scammy. Multi level marketing companies are fairly scammy – norwex isnt as much. The fact that you cant make much money as a rep alone soley by selling products is one red flag. Most mlm’s want you to “help others ie building a team ie RECRUIT” as the only way to gain levels and earn special points which do equate to dollars is to have someone under you. If you love the products sell th and make some side cash…if you want to actually be in the 1-5%% who succeed you will need to get others to join your team as well.
It should be noted that typically in an MLM the distributors are the LARGEST customer base…that’s why the only people really ever talking about the products are those who sell them. Not the same as strictly direct sales.
Sorry. But you can’t leave an unbiased review of a product after already using it for nine years prior. It’s obvious at that point which one you prefer. ?
Huh? How does using it for years make me biased? I’ve used it for years because I like it. Unbiased just means that my opinion is not being influenced by any outside sources, i.e. I’m not being paid to post this. A preference is not the same as a bias.
Karen Hinkel
Yes very well said Beth. It is really a simple concept. Either it works for you and you stand behind this product or you don’t. How can that be bias, your guess is as good as mine.. Happy cleaning Beth!! I love this product!!
Niki Stump
Hi, what products did you use to not have to use your inhaler? I tried finding you on Facebook but there are a couple Breanna Meadows. Thanks for your time.
Can I use the cleaning paste with normal cloths
Janet L Knapp
(I might have missed this somewhere) I understand how the cloths are self-cleaning as they dry.. but does that mean it’s getting rid of all germs/bacteria on the surface you’re cleaning as well? You mentioned there being a misconception about the silver in them, so I just want to make sure it’s cleaning effectively! Thanks!
Sandi G
The cloths clean up 99% of germs from the surface they are on because of the design of the fiber in the cloth. They hold the germs in the fibers and do not transfer to another surface. I am a new user, but the demo I saw was truly amazing!! You seriously have to see it to believe it. Don’t just take our word for it… try it. They have 60 day money back guarantee!!
Karen Hinkel
I agree!! Seeing is believing, I witnessed the cleaning paste, laundry detergent, the cleaning cloth, and I am amazed at how well these products work!! During all this covid19 stuff, nobody needs toxins entering their lungs, which according to the CDC, is what causes most people to suffer on a severe level when dealing with covid19.
Hi Beth, thanks for the honest, unbiased review of cleaning products. If you are looking for solution to natural cleaning products, then the best option is HalalClean company. Сhoose us and keep your building clean.
Susan Jones
I love these. No more glass cleaner. I put them in washing machine. Done. They are great!!
My housekeeper recommended.
Patricia (Patsy) Wilson
I am touched by the kindness and patience of my Norwex family! All the responses I have read amaze me that everyone is about giving helpful answers, encouraging users, suggesting helpful solutions…all caring and all good! Very admirable! Could there be something about Norwex that makes it easier to take criticism without feeling defensive or put upon? I learned a lot about caring for my Cloths from your responses! Thanks to all of you!
Laurie Convay
Hey! I had tried Norwex, but switched to ENJO for a number of reasons.
ENJO is made exclusively in Austria-there is no China about this company.
They have a fabric cleaning fibre (use only water to clean couches, shoes with salt stains, chair fabrics etc)
ENJO Cleans Pore Deep-absolutely no urine smell in my bathroom anymore-Norwex was trying to sell me a Deodorizer and a Neutralizer to get rid of the smell that got worse as the weeks went on.
I love that with ENJO, I’m not killing bacteria. When you kill bacteria, you kill the good bacteria too. You just wash it down the sink with warm soapy water which feeds our septic system. I couldn’t reach the bacteria with Norwex’s flat cloths but the ENJO technology goes pore deep to reach and pull up everything.
I also love that ENJO tests with a Lumitester which measures bacteria counts, not protein counts.
I would love for you to try ENJO to compare for yourself too.
Would love for your email to contact you about your products. Thank you
Sandi G
From what I’ve read during my research, this is why their cloths are made in China…
“China is known to be a world leader in the textile industry. Some of the best and most innovative home textile and microfiber production in the world is from China.
If you are going to create the best microfiber in the world you go to the best microfiber manufacturers.
Norwex owns the factory in China and has a very strict quality control system in place.
Norwex China is committed to follow the guidelines of the UN Global Compact on how they treat and manage staff involved in the production of microfiber, including our suppliers.
All factory staff members are Norwex employees and enjoy all the benefits associated with being part of the Norwex Team.
Norwex has stringent requirements, which control everything from the raw material requirements to conformance levels and each production is evaluated strictly according to our standards.
Testing is continuously done to ensure a quality product.
Any microfiber product not meeting Norwex standards are recycled.”
I hope that helps you. They have manufacturing plants in many different countries. For example, the Ultra Power Plus Laundry Detergent (my personal favourite) is made in Canada and the Cleaning Paste is made in Austria.. I don’t have a bias towards other countries, unless they use “sweat shops”, and Norwex does not.
Karen Hinkel
Don’t worry, the manufacturering plant in China, may end up here in the USA, if our president continues bringing companies back to the US to manufacturer products. I could be wrong, but it certainly isn’t undoubtful.
Since Norvex towels have silver in them, are they safe to dry your skin?
Yes, they are very safe. In fact, Norwex also sells body cloths that allow you to clean your whole face and body with just water. I mostly use them to remove makeup and to exfoliate/wash my face. Some use on their whole body, no soap needed. The silver is NOT nano silver which leaches into skin and waterways but micro silver which is embedded into the cloth fibers and does not come out. It’s 100% safe. Not sure if that is clear so email me if not. Typing on phones should be easier for me by now. Right? 😉 My email is [email protected].
Misty Wishart
Yes they are safe! I am a consiltant that has gone back to Norwex after my son’s foot problem was cleared up by just using water. We had tried creams, powders, vaseline with sran wrap, lotions etc. If I could attach a picture i would! The body cloths remove makeup gently while also exfoliating your skin. Recommended use is once a day. Then you rinse with warm water and hang to dry. The silver in the cloth goes to work to starve the bacteria of any oxygen and this you basically have a self cleaning cloth. It has also helped my son’s acne as well as my own. And we also have baby cloths which I actually used on my children’s bottoms instead of wipes when they were little. It really is an amazing product and I’m really thankful for this write-up as she wrote it from the heart.
Kathleen L Rutherford
Thank you for your honesty and humor
My problem with Norwex is that it is made in China. How well can they really control the manufacturing process?
Melinda Hanson
Norwex owns their own factories in China and control the working conditions, wages etc. because China actually has the best textile trades in the world! Many consultants have visited the plants and loved what they saw both from a working condition and employee response! When you own the plant, you can control what happens there!
Carol Keating
I just bought some items. Can I put my new Norwex EnviroSponge in my dishwasher with Finish and Jet dry like I did with my non Norwex sponges to disinfect them? I guess I won’t be able to put them in the microwave to kills germs tho.
I would not put it in the dishwasher but would toss in the washing machine. It’s up to you, though. Definitely don’t microwave. 🙂
Melinda Hanson
I agree with Meissann! Put the Envirosponges in your laundry when you need to. The silver in the envirocloth side works to control the bacteria between uses too, just like it does on the Envirocloth!
Misty Wishart
Usually you can but I don’t recommend doing so with the jet dry in there. Putting it in the wash is recommended. And you can put them in the drier. The beauty is that you dont need to disinfect it. The silver will help prohibit bacteria growth. 🙂
You would not want to put it in the dishwasher. The chemicals will mess up the silver in the rags. The best thing you can do is wash in natural detergent in your washer. No chemical detergents like Tide, as they will clog the silver fibers in the cloth.
Heather L
I was very excited to try the Norwex cloths. My kitchen rags always get smelly very fast so I was super excited for something to combat that problem. I purchased the kitchen towel and rag set and the first month was great. Then the rag started having the same smell as all the rest. My consultant told me to boil the rag for 5 minutes and it will be as good as new. Not so. It now is just like all the rest. After a day of use it starts to smell and has to be washed. Very expensive for a product that does not work. I love the towels and how well they dry dishes but they too start to smell after a few uses. Will not be buying any more Norwex products. Overpriced and is not the miracle product it is touted to be. Very disappointed.
What soap are you using with it or washing it in? I’ve been using for 3 years without smell issues.
Heather L
I started out using the Norwex laundry detergent. They started smelling with that so I went back to my regular detergent and now I have gone back to washing all my towels and rags in bleach again. It is the only thing that keeps them from becoming stinky. I have not been impressed with the Norwex products and I have used many. There is not on single product that i have loved.
Do you possibly have hard water? If so, adding vinegar to the wash should fix the issue. Hard water and our laundry detergent don’t play well together. Norwex has also produced a laundry booster to aid in this issue, but it sold out in jus days. Currently working hard to get more available! I am a consultant and my VIP page is “Clean Green 2B Safe”. Please join and let me help
you enjoy the Norwex experience as it should be!!!
Oh my such a surprise to me, I LOVE MY NORWEX CLOTHS. I have them all and it has cut my cleaning time in half. I’m not a dealer, it’s just so shocking to me.
I cant get the laundry soap to dissolve. It leaves a white powder on the clother. What the heck?
Brenda S Brimer
Are you using hot or cold water? I use the detergent (1 Tbs) in my boyfriend’s laundry when I am there to wash his work clothes that is often covered in transmission fluid. I wash them in hot water with the Norwex detergent and it is the only detergent I have found so far that cleans the fluid out of his jeans and leaves no odors either. This product is one of my most favorites. Try using hot water and see if that helps get the powder dissolved better and the residue off your clothes.
I didn’t get mine yet but you said you didn’t wash it for a month? You are supposed to wash it once a week I think with organic laundry detergent or Norwex brand
Sandy, our detergent or any Free and Clear Detergent. I wash my cloths once a week
with my sheets, as you should or wash with any fabric that has lint. I am a Norwex consultant and will be happy to help in any way. My VIP FACEBOOK page is “Clean Green 2B Safe”. Please join!
This should read to wash with fabrics that don’t have lint…
I have been using norwex kitchen cloth and the counter cloth.About one month, I love them!!! Water only. Cleaned my microwave with a wet kitchen cloth. Good as new. I used to have to use a scratch pad and spray cleaner NO chemicals now.
To reuse my cloths, I run under water and rub fabric together, vigorously. Then wring out. Repeating if the water comes out dirty…Hang to dry. Do not fold up and let it sit. Always hang dry. No smelly rags here…
Maybe your consultant didn’t know or wasn’t clear, but you do not boil the cloths! At all, and for five minutes? The proper way to deep clean is to boil water, then POUR it over your cloths and agitatecwith a wooden spoon. I let mine soak for about 29 minutes and agitate a couple of times again. THEN, launder with Norwex detergent or any other Free and Clear detergent. Regular laundry detergent nor bleach should ever be used on Norwex cloths. Most likely, you are not having the very best results that you could be. The initial boiling may have ruined them. I am SO sorry! What cloths do you have?
The boiling absolutely did not ruin the cloths. Norwex literally still lists boil for 10 minutes in their deep cleaning instructions. Multiple bleachings, on the other hand, absolutely destroys our products and voids a warranty. If a product is not living up to expectations, you can always contact your consultant. Cloths will be replaceable via warranty if there are genuine issues despite appropriate following of instructions.
To be clear, many consultants don’t advocate boiling, but Norwex definitely sees this as a good practice. I suggest following Andrea’s instructions but would add either detergent or our new microfiber cleaner powder. Just hot water is not nearly as effective. Bc some people hate this, Norwex came out with the microfiber cleaner powder which permits a deep clean in a washing machine. Deep cleans only need to be done 3-4 times a year. Feel free to email me at [email protected] with any questions.
Mine had started to smell as well so I soaked them in oxy clean (powder formula). I soak overnight then wash next day. Amazing what gets pulled out. Now every so often I’ll soak in oxy clean. Never have an issue with smell again.
That was bad advice. Microfiber is made from plastic and should not be boiled. Also, Norwex comes with 2 year warranties. I had a cloth that started stinking and no matter what I tried I could not get rid of the stink. They replaced it for free and I’ve not had a problem since. Sometimes you just get a defective cloth and they’ll make it 100% right. But it sounds like your problem is they never taught you how to care for it in the first place.
I agree. I am not impressed at all by their products. So many people have raved about them and I just don’t see it. Mine smells after 3 days. I think its all a scam. People rave to get you to buy them. If you have not tried them, don’t waste your money.
Hi Lyn. I don’t sell Norwex, and I’m the author of this post. I wasn’t raving to “get you to buy them”. I rave because I genuinely love the products. (Mostly the cloths.) I first got mine in 2011 (I think) and am still using them today.
Unfortunately I bought the Norwex Cleaning Paste without having a chance to read the actual label. Basically it cleans everything that soapy dishwater will clean “chrome, plastic, ceramics, porcelain tiles and similar materials”. It doesn’t clean anything that gets too dirty to clean with soap and water “brushed stainless steel, nickel, pewter, aluminum, and wood.” I haven’t used a particle of it.
Cleaning paste is meant to replace products like Bar Keeper’s Friend, Ajax, SoftScrub etc. and is the best glass top stove cleaner I have ever met! We use it for black marks inside coolers, scuff marks on doors etc. and my friend used it to remove the additional paint off her car fender when she got a little too close to her garage door! Sudsy dish detergent simply does not clean these kinds of items. I don’t see dates on these and just discovered this blog, but if you do not like any Norwex product that you purchase, there is a 60 day satisfaction guarantee. You just need to contact the consultant you purchased it through. You don’t get that kind of customer service when you purchase most other cleaning products!
I have had this paste for years. Unused.
Recently I went to a Norwex party and the consultant there was outstanding!! I came home and cleaned my oven (which I’ve been putting off for a year) that had baked on, baked on brown. It’s a self cleaning over, yea riiiight.
I Knelt down with their stainless scrubber and this product and my oven was like new in under 10 minutes!!!!! All with to fumes or plastic gloves.
I’m a believer!
My lesson learned. The consultant made so much difference in understanding the product and her information backed by scientific references renewed my zeal to clean the Norwex way.
You would not want to put it in the dishwasher. The chemicals will mess up the silver in the rags. The best thing you can do is wash in natural detergent in your washer. No chemical detergents like Tide, as they will clog the silver fibers in the cloth.
How can you have a honest opinion if you partnered with the consultant that is also your friend?
I’ve never noticed a smell with the cloths around the house, i like the tea towels and kitchen cloths.
I’ve taken a body cloth out bush with me for 2 weeks and it did smell after that, but it sprang back to nomal after a couple of washes in warm water with no softener.
Try soaking your cloths in boiling water, then chuck them in with the washing.
It’s a great product.
Kathy Shuman
Hi Heather I hope that you are able to get a hold of your Norwack‘s consultant it sounds like your cloths are full and may just need to do a deep clean on them. So many times I meet people who have lost track of their consultants don’t know if they’re still in the business or not which is pretty sad. Sometimes when we use our cloths at first we get the wrong instructions on the care of them.
Don’t feel bad and please don’t throw out your cloths. You can call customer care and Norwex if you can’t reach your consultant. We have a two year warranty on all of those microfiber cloths. They actually have no competition and with proper care they can last for years.
I had the same problem! I found out though from watch you tube videos how to clean them perfectly. I now place them I. The sink pour boiling water over them stir with a spoon or tongs. Man I have to do this 4 times at least they pick up everything and had so much junk in them. Smell all gone and towels very clean. I do this with regular towels also. Helps remove any oils.
I had this problem too. If you boil your clothes in 5-6 quarts of water with 1/4 cup baking soda it takes the raunchy smell out. You launder immediately after. If the are really, really bad then boil them in water with 1/4 cup vinegar immediately following the baking soda solution. Also you will need to launder after. Works every time. I only need to do this process about twice per year.
Did you get rid of the previous cloths that were smelly and add this one to the mix? Because the mildew smell will just transfer. When I added new dish rags (not Norwex) to my current stash they just took on the same smell. At one point I just threw away all of my kitchen dish rags and started fresh, and that made all the difference.
Sandi G
So, adding to the landfill then?… Norwex is helping the landfill and the environment using recycled materials and the cloths last for years and years. Plus, they even have a recycling program when someone feels they need to replace their old ones. I’m sorry some of you have had bad experiences… you need to find a consultant who you click with to help you understand how to use and treat your products so they can function at their best.
Carole Dobies
I’m a brand new user, and my question is about how to clean the cloths after makeup, oils, fats,etc get on the cloth. How I to clean the cloth. Does it depend on which cloth it is? I have the kitchen sponge/scrapper and also wonder how to clean that each time i use it.
I would buy the dish washing liquid, or detergent. Just put it in washer with regular load. Or use the dish washing liquid, put some on the cloth, rub vigorously and rinse. Wring out, hang dry. Always hang dry any of the cloths. Don’t fold up and sit .
The norwex soaps are Specifically made for the cloths, no chemicals. They will not break down the BacLoc which is in most of the cleaning cloths. That technology blocks bacteria from collecting in cloths.
I am told that you can use All natural soap or organic. As long as there are NO CHEMICALS..
Free and Clear detergents and soaps ONLY!
Misty Wishart
Boiling is an older recommendation. I recommend a deep soak. Do you have detergent or a consultant close to you that can give you a sample? I fill the sink with very hot water and some detergent. I soak until the water is cool then throw it in the machine 🙂 if you have any questions, feel free to reach out.
To be clear, all detergents are comprised of chemicals–as is water. The goal is to find a biodegradable, filler-free detergent. Bc our detergent is filler free and naturally powerful, I can wash a large load with 1/2 tsp powder!!! Sometimes free and clear isn’t a sign of a great product. You can look online at ratings if you want an alternative to Norwex’s detergent. One bag seems huge but one bag lasts my family of three six months! I also make the best all-purpose spray with a little detergent and water. It’s the only thing that cleans my grout.
They are called micro cleaning hand pads come in a 2 pack
Sandi G
I soak mine in the sink with the Ultra Power Plus laundry detergent dissolved in hot water. It’s amazing how much the fibers hold and how dirty my water gets after soaking.
As an experiment, I soaked a yoga jacket that I thought was clean and the water was filthy after 10 min. If I could post pictures, I would. Totally amazing. It’s like stripping your laundry (as seen in the news recently), but with the Norwex detergent you only need that one product… no borax, no bleach, NO CHEMICALS. Cheers!
Sandi G
Oh, and I learned a trick at the last party I went to… put the UPP detergent in a spice shaker by the bathroom sink and sprinkle it on your face and body cloth after you remove your makeup… rub the cloth against itself to remove the marks before it even has a chance to dry. Voila!! Stain averted. Cool trick.
Marnie brandow
My son has recently recovered from a serious case of ecoli (11 days in the hospital) and now has City. Different from the antibiotics. He wants to go to Bali for an extended stay this fall and we are concerned about bacteria. Would norwex products help, wiping down dishes flatware etc in restaurants?
Hi Marnie, while I know that the cloths are supposed to be able to clean bacteria quite effectively, I would not want to advise you on such a sensitive topic. I’d advise contacting Norwex directly and asking them!
Breanna Meadows
They absolutely would help! My daughter has asthma and i have a low immune system! We have not had to use inhalers and I’ve been off of immunosuppressants for 6 months and haven’t gotten sick!! I can help you get the perfect products for this as well! You can find me on Facebook and we can set it up!
Niki Stump
Hi, what products did you use to not have to use your inhaler? I tried finding you on Facebook but there are a couple Breanna Meadows. Thanks for your time.
I’m with Beth. It’s not responsible for us–and certainly not just to make a sale–to make medical claims. We are explicitly not allowed to do this either. I would say Norwex couldn’t hurt but this is a special circumstance. If you have any questions, email me at [email protected].
Love this post! Norwex has been a game changer for my life as well!!
Just went to my first party today and I’m hooked!
Dana McNeely
I operate a construction cleaning business. I’m wondering if your cloths can cut Sheetrock dust and paint. Any suggestions?
I’d totally use a norwex cloth for any kind of mess, honestly. I imagine it would get dirty fast when cleaning up sheetrock dust, etc. so you’d just need to rinse it out more frequently. I’m not sure about paint, though. That would likely stain the cloth, which would make the silver fibres in the cloth unable to work properly.
I just finished cleaning an entire newly-constructed home with water, two envirocloths, and one window polishing cloth! I used my oldest wet Norwex envirocloth for all the construction dust and chunky stuff, shook out the chunky stuff, and rinsed, rinsed, rinsed my way through the house. I used a newer Norwex envirocloth and polishing cloth for windows that were so dusty with stucco globs that it was difficult to see through them and, believe me, those windows sparkle with NO streaks. The contractor was impressed! The house has a lot of vinyl plank floors and it was a breeze to use the Norwex dust mop and wet mop. The Norwex brush does an impressive job cleaning the dust mop which had done an impressive job on the dust and grit. I’m 70 years old and the construction cleaning was a delightful experience!
I LOVE my Norwex cleaning system. It is a lifetime investment for me. I am very particular and love CLEAN, otherwise, I could have done the whole house with one envirocloth, but I want my cloths to look new forever. Dream on…but this month Norwex is offering a new product to deep clean those well-used cloths. It’s all good!
I use Lemon Essential oil from YL! I also use my Thieves cleaner(chemical free) along with my Norwex cloths. I will be happy to send you a sample of the cleaner or any YL product.
Misty wishart
I got paint off my laminate floor with the cleaning paste and envirocloth. The dusting mitt or the envirowand may work amazing with drywall dust. the only reason I say may is because I’ve never tried it and I know drywall dust is very fine. You can also wet the dusting mitt and then use it to wipe down window screens. When I did my laminate floor I just test it in a small spot to make sure it didn’t damage it and it didn’t. And then I actually took off paint from the tile floor in my front bathroom. I dripped paint when I was painting. LOL
Jasmine Lee
Good summary. Thanks for sharing.
How can I buy Norwex products from Chile???
Jessica Lamar
I am also a Norwex consultant. These products truly are amazing!
Check out my website. You can order there and have it shipped directly to you!
Patricia, mándame un mensaje si todavía estás interesada en los productos. Yo, al igual que tú soy de Chile pero vivo en USA.
Beverly Shepherd
my neighbor loaned me her set of norwex to wash my windows. I was so impressed with how clean i got them that i bought a set and believe me, i do not splurge on very much. One wet, one dry and nothing else and it was awesome. My mom hated doing windows and passed 3 yrs ago. As i was cleaning i kept saying ” Mom you would have LOVED these”.