I’m a total quitter. I quit shampooing my hair 23 days ago and I’ve gotta be honest: I’m glad. I’m still going through the transition period, and nailing down the exact routine that shall lead me to hair nirvana, but I have faith that I’m close.
The transition period has been far better than I imagined it would be, which tells me two things:
1) I should have started this a year ago and not been such a wimpy-pants.
2) Hard water makes no-poo’ing approximately eleventy-billion times harder because last time I tried this (while living in Tiny Town a couple of years ago) it was TERRIBLE AND DISGUSTING AND DISASTROUS. (Sorry for yelling – I think I’m still traumatized. *shudder*)
There’s a facebook group for no-poo’ers, filled with very smart and experienced people who’ve quit shampoo and achieved hair nirvana. They have all sorts of wisdom and advice for hard water no-poo’ers, as well as advice for greasy hair, dry hair, colored hair, curly, straight, and everything in between.
I first heard of homemade dry shampoo when Kathleen wrote here at R+H about How to Stay Clean Without Showering Every Day. She uses a recipe with a few more ingredients, but it’s fairly similar.
Its basic purpose is to hide the greasy look in your roots or bangs, on a non-hair-washing day.
This “recipe” (if you can call 2 ingredients a recipe) is recommended all over that no-poo facebook group that I linked to above. I tried it out last week when I was trying to stretch out the days between washings (because that actually helps you get through transition faster), and I loved it so much, I figured I just had to share it with you!
I used to use a drugstore kind that was made from some chemical propellants, alcohol, rice starch, and parfum (which is the most worrisome ingredient, actually. It’s usually a cocktail of at least dozens of chemicals, none of which have to be named on the ingredient list as long as they are called “fragrance” or “parfum”.)

I found it amusing that rice starch was the main ingredient in the stuff, and they sell it for $10 a bottle at the drugstore, with some added toxic chemicals. They could advertise it as “NEW! Single-ingredient Dry Shampoo, now with BONUS toxic chemical soup! Buy yours now, while supplies last!”
By the way, products that contain propellants – as this one does – are not so great for the environment. You may recall that there was a lot of talk about CFC’s several years ago (chloroflourocarbons) which were used in aerosol cans all the time, but which were damaging the ozone layer.
Well, they have now been replaced with other chemicals like hydroflourocarbons (as in this product). This propellant does not damage the ozone but scientists all agree that it is still harmful to the environment.
Harmful to me, harmful to the environment, and expensive.
So how do you make your own?
It’s pretty simple. Find the jar in your kitchen that contains arrowroot powder. Corn starch works too, as does (according to John Frieda) rice starch. Okay, done.
Now find the cocoa powder. Resist the urge to get distracted by making brownies, especially if you’re a highly-distractible INFP like myself. Ooooh! Shiny! *scurries away to new adventures involving sweet chocolate dreams* Whoops, back to our task at hand. Cocoa powder. FOCUS, Red, yeesh.
Get a small bowl or container.
Get a spoon.
Get your hydroflourocarbon 152A and pentane out. (Oh, actually never mind. Skip that. Uber-unecessary.)
Are you with me so far? I know it’s complicated, but try to keep up, okay?
Put a spoonful of arrowroot powder in the bowl. Add a lesser amount of cocoa powder. If you have really light blonde hair, then you might skip the cocoa altogether. For every other shade of hair – add accordingly. If you have very dark hair you’ll want to go maybe 50-50. But don’t worry – it doesn’t really show in your hair when you’re done.
Get a comb.
Use your fingers to pinch a bit of your new dry shampoo (Oh, you didn’t know? You just made dry shampoo – congratulations.) and sprinkle it on the greasy areas, mostly near your roots. Use your fingertips to tussle your luscious locks to disperse the dry shampoo, and then use a comb to help move it down.

(The before is not the awesomest shot ever, but it shows how my hair was a bit shiny with grease from having been unwashed for 2 days… then the after photo shows it having been totally transformed. Subtle, but it made all the difference.)
Lather, rinse, repeat.
(Oh no wait – don’t do that. That’s what commercial shampoo companies tell you in order to make you go through their product twice as fast and then buy it twice as often. Lame.)
Just keep using your dry shampoo until you’re seeing the results you want, then style as desired, strut out of the bathroom like you’re bringing sexy back, and have a dance party in the kitchen.
Nicely done, you crazy-sexy granola crunchy hippie, you.
Now go forth and save yourself some cash.
PS. For all of you skimmers: here’s the “recipe”:
1/2 cup arrowroot powder
1 tablespoon cocoa powder (adjust according to hair color)
A clearly awesome individual with slightly greasy hair
Mix. Apply small amounts. Comb and tussle hair. Continue being awesome. The end.
P.S. I no longer use the no-poo method, and wrote an update about that here. I do still use my dry shampoo regularly, though, since I don’t wash my hair every day, and my bangs get greasy faster than everywhere else.
Thanks for the wonderful article. I’ve a quick question. Is this shampoo healthy for Hair,because I have silky hair and I am also facing hair fall? Please suggest,Thank you in advance.
Thanks for the wonderful article. I’ve a quick question. Is this shampoo healthy for Hair,because I have silky hair and I am also facing hair fall? Please suggest,Thank you in advance.
divya sharma
Thanks for the wonderful article. I’ve a quick question. Is this shampoo healthy for Hair, do I also need to apply any Oil for healthy hair?
what do u use for red hair
Hi, I’m wondering for how many days others have successfully used this recipe on their greasy hair. I have naturally curly hair and don’t flat iron it often, so when I do, I like to make it last as long as possible. I’ve gone for multiple days (5-7) without washing my hair, just using store-bought dry shampoo, and it looks good, but leaves my scalp feeling kind of gross, and my hair stops feeling as silky after a few days. I’ve always assumed that was due to the corn starch-based dry shampoo I was using but I haven’t researched if that’s the actual cause or not. So for how long does this dry shampoo work at keeping oil at bay without leaving hair feeling kinda icky at the roots?
It’s funny that I came across this article today, having made another batch of dry shampoo this morning with…arrowroot and cocoa! I recently came across an application suggestion that I really like: instead of taking a pinch and working it through your hair manually, try using a makeup powder brush to apply and then brush it in with a natural bristle brush. Works really well, and doesn’t get shampoo under your nails!
Only two ingredients? Wow! I have to try this, then, because that is just too simple to not at least give a shot. Very excited to see the results and maybe even change this as my regular shampoo.
*Dry shampoo, that is!
Hi! It’s actually not meant to replace a regular shampoo. It doesn’t cleanse the hair – it just hides and absorbs some of the grease to stretch between washings. Hope that helps!
I have always been curious about dry shampoo! I found this recipe @ http://affimity.com/#/sharedPost/19/11067, and I will admit, I am a bit anxious about it. I might just have that “but isn’t liquid shampoo the only way!’ lol. However, I will definitely have to try this recipe, given the positivity in the comments and in your great experience with it! Thanks for the awesome post – saving and sharing!
I made a batch of this this morning, 4 tbsp cornstarch and 3 dessert spoons of cocoa, dusted the visible parts of my hair with a big blush brush and then shook it out of my hair, brushed and put my hair up in a cute little pony tail.
I recall I had tried using baby powder last year and the constant smell of the powder gave me a headache so I put it aside and forgot about it. Until I read your post today and used cornstarch instead.
My hair still feels weird from using baking soda and ACV, but at least it isn’t oily looking. And I smell like chocolate!
Jessica L.
I’ve always wondered about dry shampoo but I just didn’t want to pay for it. Can’t wait to make my own! Thanks!!