You’ve seen the ads floating around the internet. Usually in places like your Facebook sidebar or in pop-up ads on popular sites. Deceptive text shouting promises like: “Earn $6,000/week from home! It’s easy! Sign up here! “scammyfineprintprintblahblahblah”
To those I say a big fat “Pfffffftttt, yeah right!”
A few years ago, I was constantly seeing those dumb ads, and every time I saw one I’d sigh wistfully, wishing there really was a legitimate way that I could earn some money without giving up on my desire to be at home with my kids.
Long-time readers here at R+H know that money has been super tight over the last few years as we have gone through hubs’ flight training to become a pilot. He has been employed as a flight instructor (you know – the guy teaching the future pilots of your commercial flights in airlines around the world how to fly…) but it pays abysmally. Absolutely shamefully, really.
Most flight instructors are young, unmarried guys who don’t have a family to support, because it is next to impossible.
So… he quit that job last fall, and has landed fortuitously into a contract consulting job in aviation safety (fancy way of saying that he’s working on a pilot safety website on a government grant). He’s also doing audio-visual tech stuff part-time at a large church in the city.
Things are better now. Still tight… but waaaaay better. I know from experience that somehow, in some way – things get better. Whether that be in heaven or on earth – tough times won’t last forever, and for that I am grateful.
As we emerge into a new season and phase of life, I have been pondering the way that every dollar counts.
Related: 3 Possible Reasons You’re Failing at Sticking to a Grocery Budget
It’s still fresh for me – the counting out change from the change jar to buy bananas before the next payday… the invitation of a meal shared with friends and knowing that it would give relief to your shrunken grocery fund… the tears of frustration at not being able to stretch the dollars quite as far as you’d like, and making difficult decisions on what to forgo.
I know that there are so many in that boat today. So many of you, dear readers. So many parents sacrifice a lot of financial security in order to stay at home with their kids. So many of you wish that there was something that you could do on the side – in the cracks and corners of your days and evenings and weekends that would earn enough extra money to give a little room to breathe. Something flexible, home-based, and (dare we wish it?) enjoyable.
I have tried a number of different income-earning ventures over the years:
- Ad manager for a large blog (in charge of procuring and implementing advertising revenue for the site)
- Digital graphic design (not my niche, but I can make nice-looking, simple images)
- VA work (virtual assisting – like an administrative assistant, but working remotely)
- Blogging (this site!)
- Babysitting/daycare (I had my niece 4 days/week for a year)
- Photography (I’ve been hired a handful of times to do family photo shoots. My skills are basic, but decent enough to get some nice shots.)
- Social media assisting (again, working with bloggers)
- Moderator for webinar panel discussions
- Placenta encapsulation
All of the things I’ve done have been extremely flexible and most have been temporary. Blogging is currently my “side job” here, and I have discovered over the last 1.5 years that it is most definitely a passion of mine. I kind of always knew that I loved writing… and now I know that I really enjoy the entrepreneurial/business side of it as well.
Let’s be honest: being self-employed and working from home isn’t all flouncy pens and steaming cups of tea in bed… but sometimes it is. And it’s glorious.
I recently asked my Facebook followers if any of them had any money-making side ventures, and the response was amazing. So many responded with an incredibly diverse array of ideas that I knew I just had to share them here. I decided to link up some of those that responded to the thread, so you’ll see some R+H reader business links below in the list.
If you’re interested in finding a way to earn money from home, you can use this list as a jumping off point to research which type of opportunity might be right for you. There are so many possibilities!
(Disclaimer: money doesn’t start rolling in after just a little effort. These ideas obviously take dedication, perseverance, and hard work. Some of these ideas need certain qualifications – but many need none.)
Money-Making Ideas for Stay-at-Home Parents:
- Blogger (holla!)
- Doula
- Making and selling lotions, soaps, and other bath & body care products (check out this awesome page: Homebody Co., or this one: Purely Essential)
- Running an online fitness studio (like Fit2B!)
- Selling home or health products as a company rep, also usually known as a multi-level-marketing company. Jamberry, Thirty-One Gifts, Mary & Martha, Zeal for Life, Juice Plus, Steeped Tea, Avon, Nerium International, Scentsy, My Premier Designs – jewellery, Origami Owl, Younique Beauty Products, Norwex (and another reader who sells Norwex), Lilla Rose Hair Accessories, Wildtree Food Products, Radiantly You – body care products, Avon Products, Plexus Slim, Nikken – wellness products.
- Selling essential oils as a company rep (DoTerra, Young Living, and there are others if you do some research to see the options. Readers Ashley, Heather, and Krissa also sell DoTerra.)
- Design and sell digital sewing patterns
- Elderly care (A reader said: “I do full time home share for a 60-year-old woman who is autistic. She goes to a program 5 days a week and I assist her with food, showering and dressing and some hygiene. We are very thankful because it enables me to stay home while bringing in a full time income.”)
- Run a farm share program
- Sewing and weaving (Kaitlin of Butters and Bubsie says: “I do headbands, soother clips, lovey blankets, burp rags and most importantly I weave baby wraps.”)
- Make and sell knit/crochet/etc. goods (check out this cute page, or this website – she also does wall murals for people!)
- Health consulting – “I am a trained homeopath in my career before I had children and so I do some phone and online consulting to assist people with their health issues.” Another reader said: “…and I just got certified to be a Dr. Sears Health Coach! Super excited about that!” This reader at Baby Kale Health is a family holistic health coach. Another health consulting type of business: Nutritional therapist.
- Virtual Assisting
- Advertising Manager (for a large blog – a growing field!)
- Bookkeeping
- Reflexologist
- Yoga Facilitator
- Customer service – My friend has an Amazon business and I do customer service from home for her.”
- Social media consulting – “…I also do some Pinterest consulting work for bloggers. It still blows me away that I can get paid for playing with Pinterest.“
- Freelance writing (like CG Marketing Pro!)
- Sewing – “I sew for people…preparing for craft shows at the moment.”
- Managing consignment sales – “I manage a twice-a-year consignment sale for our local parents of multiples club.”
- Teach dance classes
- Placenta encapsulation (Check out my Placenta Encapsulation tutorial here on the blog)
- Sell antiques and paint furniture
- Hula hoop maker/instructor
- Make and sell baby headbands and blankets
- Make and sell handmade jewellery (check out these cool ‘tree of life’ necklaces! And this one: Four Little Lady Bugs, making teething necklaces and girly accessories.)
- Web design
- Babysitting/daycare
- Make custom wooden furniture
- Pet sitting
- Image and Influence Consultant with FanTABulous Women.
- Substitute teaching
- Photography (Shelley said: “I’ve had my photography business for 6 years. I shoot weddings and on evening and weekends do portrait sessions so I can stay home with my kiddos and homeschool them full time during the week! My business gives me a creative outlet plus helps with the finances, and I am very thankful for it!”)
- Baking/cooking (this woman sells her cakes locally – and they look DELISH)
- Sell flower arrangements
- Sell excess garden produce to neighbours
- Sell eggs from your backyard chickens
- Start an online shop selling items you love and are passionate about (Check out Delia’s Pantry: “I try and make if affordable for every one to have access to organic herbs spices and teas …and a few other things”, Primal Kitchen Company, selling fermentation/pickling supplies, Country Bums – a cloth diaper shop, Deborah & Co – a clothing company for girls/women)
Have you ever made money on the side while being at home with your kids? What would you pick from this list?
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suzanne dunn
I just have a question. I know that legitimate places hire people to do things like customer service and data entry things like that at home. Here is my problem where i was in these lines of work prior to becoming a mortgage processor then leaving the work place when my husband was offered a promotion if we lived closee to his work. Since then i have looked but fear scams. How do you find legitimate work?
The light bulb moment came on for me when I was on maternity leave with my 2nd (now 20 months) and I realized I was done trading my time for money. But the bigger lightning bolt realization was that I didn’t have to “settle” for a little bit of extra, supplementary income – that in the wonderful world of online and online marketing, I could start a legitimate business, working a couple of hours from home making significant money. While on maternity leave, I was completely consumed (some would say “obsessed”) with learning about all the different ways to earn passive income – generating streams of income that comes in regularly with little to no effort once you’ve started it up. I studied tirelessly (yes even during 3 a.m. feedings!) from successful entrepreneurs who have done this. There are a few cool opportunities I am embarking on, but the one that resonated with me the most was learning how to sell your own private label products on Amazon – I found an amazing course created by 2 guys who have learned to do it and it has honestly changed my life. While not for everyone, I encourage everyone to look at these kinds of opportunities – that working at home as a full-time parent does not preclude you from starting up a business that generates SIGNIFICANT income. It doesn’t necessarily take all your time – that’s the beauty of passive income!
So what’s the course called?
Lori Samples
If you’re referring to DS Domination, please don’t! Those 2 guys are very unethical and they are spreading their blackhat methods. At some point the you know what is going to hit the fan. Stay away from DS Domination people! FTC will eventually shut them down.
I’m a veteran homeschooling mom. My son enrolled in college at age 16 with college level math. He was even hired to be a math tutor at the college. When my husband saw how well I taught him math, he encouraged me to write a series of books to show others my method of teaching math. I took his advice and wrote the Learn Math Fast System. Today my books have sold in all 50 states plus several other countries and the results have been amazing. This is how I made money from home and if you have a way to promote my books I have a promo code for you. You can earn money from home by sending out posts about my books on your social media networks.
Let us know if you are interested.
Thank you,
I was a former promotional model but had four children that kept me so busy that I had to put my desire for pursuing any personal own identity and dream such as modeling aside. They are now grown ( in their early 20’s ) and my youngest is a senior in high school. The thought of trying it again has come up and pursuing it now at age 44….well …it is not always a rational thing as they consider over 28 over the hill in the modeling world. I have since done about everything mentioned above except pictures on instagram are no older then 5 years ago some as recent as a week to a few days ago like the ones n the gym. I am working out as my first step to decide what this next chapter of my life has in store. Any nice suggestions are welcome. I am a firm believer in that it’s never too late to follow your dreams.
My instagram- denise_luise
You could perhaps coach younger ladies on how to do what you used to do?
Hi ladies! We are starting to prepare for me to become a SAHM so I have been looking for ideas to cushion our savings until then. I am going to try cashcrate for a little more help. But, It Works is another company that should be added to the list. Just this month the company gave out $20,000 to 20 people as part of their Get Out Of Debt program. It is an amazing company with amazing, all natural health, wellness, and skin products. Check out my website or email me at [email protected] for more information
Very informative, thanks for sharing .There are many Ways to make money online, search for it and you’ll find hundreds of them. That is because these days everybody wants to learn how to make money on the Internet without a job. Some of these work at home jobs are legitimate and real methods of making money on the web and others are pure scams and get rich quick schemes.
Cashcrate is my favorite site and the one that I’ve received the most checks from. I’ve been doing it for about a year now and honestly have never had a problem with it . I have made close to $3000 using this great Get Paid To Site. The amazing part is I’ve spent only about 6 hours a week on this site and I’ve earned $300 in 1 month! I can’t urge you enough to try it out for yourself.
CashCrate is 100% legit, and is the best online source of income available! Sign up TODAY and start EARNING!
Mireed Dolphin
Sorry! But, I have bee using “Cash Crate” for the past 5 months & the only that I have made is: $7.00! Why? Because they send me these silly surveys that I qualify for. Then once I have wasted my time, I get the: Oh! We’re sorry but you don’t qualify for this survey. I’m learning the HARD way that you can’t make a regular extra income doing surveys from home AT ALL so sorry but I haven’t had the luck that you have had a all!
Most of these suggestions are so bad and do NOT make any money for anyone…not decent money! Surveys, blogs etc. I’ve had a blog for over a year on healthy living and organic foods and I made $10 so far. I’m so sick of all the scams and sites leading to nowhere. I really need a PT at home job where I can make some decent cash -$1000 at least extra without spending a fortune.
I’ve had a home-based direct sales business for 19 1/2 years, and it has worked beautifully alongside my family of 6 kids and a military husband – and I still love it (which is nice to be able to say after all this time!) Contact me at [email protected] if you’d like to learn more about it and see if it might be a good fit for you 🙂
I was wondering what exactly is your business? I currently work full-time as a leasing agent for a apartment community but i have a 10 month old that i would like to stay home with. She is my first and i feel like I’m missing out on all her new adventures. If you could please give me a little more details on how you could possibly help that would be great!
Thank you,
Making a lot of money witb plexus slim and lost 30 pounds. almost a year in and my checks just keep getting bigger. no inventory to touch either. Email me at [email protected] and I can give you more info
Hi Sommer,
I can help you get clear about what you want to do and help you find the right stay at home Mom for you. Take a look at my site: it says self-confidence but I also help women find their passion, the one they are meant to pursue that will generate the success they desire. I can help you find yours.
What a great site! I am also a doterra wellness advocate! I love my essential oils! We have learned to transfer over all of our medicine cabinet and I clean my home using all essential oils at a fraction of the cost! I love the Lifelong Vitality Pack! It has changed my life! Aside from being Theraputic grade we also have a great foundation called Healing Hands that is amazing! Please contact me for further information- I’m looking for other like minded moms who care about the toxins that we expose our families to! I’m looking to become a stay at home mom! Thank you all in advance!
Briana Janell
This is really helpful! I just started my own blog at the end of July. I’m still getting used to web design and promoting my site to get more traffic. I’m glad you mentioned that these jobs still take dedication and hard work.
Great post and I love your site!
Patty Keyes
While I homeschooled my 3 kids, I raised Maine Coon Cats at home. Puppies are more costly to get into, in time and in material costs, but they sell for more money, and if you’re gifted in training and obedience, you can make double. The kids loved it, and were actually a vital part in socializing the kittens that were raised underfoot. It’s incredibly enjoyable, and if you have a barn or separate building that you can renovate for ease of cleaning up after animals, you can raise enough to decently supplement your income. You will have to do some things you may not like, like clean up after messy babies, and give shots. But you meet great people if you put your price up high enough. I haven’t seen a terrible drop in sales even with the present recession, although I am not pursuing it actively any longer. I still sell 2 litters a year. I pays my property taxes. Check out my website!
Patty Keyes
I am a stay at home mom and I started looking for things to do to make money. So I started to Google about it and I found out about cashcrate so I signed up and instantly I started making money. For just signing up I believe they gave me 1.50 to start of with. It is a great way to make money and not have to leave home to do so. This is the link to the page if anyone is interested check it out.
Thank you for these suggestions for finding ways to earn money as a stay-at-home mom. Might I also add modeling & acting. Many cities have opportunities for mommies & kids to get paid to model & act & they don’t even realize it. I didn’t until a friend, who is also a pastor’s wife, got me started. It’s fun & I’ve seen my children blossom in the areas of confidence & self esteem + they get paid to do it!
Thank you guys so much for being so selfless in sharing such helpful information! I’m so grateful to all of you, now I just have to start looking and applying. I’m always praying to God to lead the way, and I feel it’s no accident that I found this site.
Thank You :o)
Tiffany Jackson
I’ve been a consultant for a Lemongrass Spa for 8 months. In the last 4 I’ve replaced my minimum wage full time job. I love sharing healthy & natural every day products with my friends and family. It’s been such a blessing to educate people and help them make healthy choices. I love LGS. With less than 2000 consultants were such a small company that there’s so much room for growth that it’s insane.
It’s hard. I’ve tried a lot of things. Some jobs require sales, and the fact is I stink at selling things — especially because all the people I could sell to are as poor as I am! Starting my own business of almost any kind requires money; I failed at that because I couldn’t build it up large enough to see if it could make a big splash without going into debt. The risk was too great, so I started out very small but then I didn’t have enough products, nice enough packaging, etc., to sell very much at all. I still dream of starting an Etsy craft store, but that holds the same risk — craft supplies can be expensive!
I did at-home transcription for awhile for a professor. She wasn’t a native English speaker and she needed someone to simultaneously type and correct her dissertation while she dictated it. I also have tutored a bit, and if I could get more clients I’d do it now! I guess what it took for me was realizing my gifts. I feel embarrassed taking money for anything that isn’t really the BEST it could be, and for skills I’m only sort of good at (hair cutting, sewing, photography) I wasn’t really worth spending money on. But I AM highly educated, with a college degree and teaching experience. That is one field where I know what I’m doing and know people are getting their money’s worth. I don’t feel bad at all charging $20 an hour or more, and people are happy to pay it because they are getting a good value.
The big issue that has gotten in the way of each of these, though, is the kids. With most of these jobs, you need to have dedicated time when the kids won’t need you and you can really focus on them. So if your kids go to school, or have a certain amount of childcare, or your husband can help at some point, it’s good. But if you have toddlers and babies who are always underfoot — there honestly is very little you can do, because they really are taking up your time! You HAVE a job, and if you try to fit another job into that job, you’re going to be shortchanging someone — at the very least, yourself.
All things to consider when asking the question, “could I work from home?”
Sheila’s comment is the one I relate to the most. Over the years, I have struggled with finding a work/home balance, going to work for a year or two only to leave work and return to a full time unpaid position as Mom. The hardest part is BELIEVING that our unpaid job at home is enough! My husband fully supports me, yet somehow I manage to guilt myself into thinking raising my kids and caring for my home & family isn’t enough because it has no monetary value. It’s also difficult to maintain your individual identity as an at-home mom. I used to be interesting! I don’t even know how to answer the question “What do you do?” anymore. I can give you a list of what I’ve done in the past and what I’d like to do in the future!
My husband is a soldier so we relocate often. I am a licensed Nail Technician. I chose this because I thought it might be something I could enjoy doing as an at-home part-time business and could do it anywhere we lived. Unfortunately, our current city of residence doesn’t allow in-home beauty businesses! Gaining licensing in each new state is too much of a hassle to try to keep up while also a mom at home, especially if I can’t provide services from home. I am a consultant for a bath, body & beauty company and while I use and believe in the products, I am not a salesperson and don’t get out much to meet new people to share it with. I used to be a professional singer and was a licensed insurance producer once upon a time (let that go because of the licensing hassle!). Have been a retail merchandiser… even worked as a part-time church secretary! My resumé is a potpourri of job titles!
My husband and I chose for me to stay home with our youngest. I worked through the pregnancy and shortly after he was born (church secretary). At that point, my income was little more than what we paid for others to care for our baby. Just silly! And which one of us do you think left work when the kids got sick or had school events, etc.?!?
While we have little ones and choose to stay home and care for them, we’ve got to embrace that role! It is a privelege to be able to do so. I speak from experience as I’ve also been a single (divorced), full-time working parent. That doesn’t mean we can’t plan and set goals for the future. I find that being aware of changes and trends in the nail industry and self-education keeps my future plans within reach. Childhood is temporary. I’m going to be the best at-home mom & wife I can be and when my son starts school, I’m also going to be a kick butt Nail Tech!
Julie Jacobs
Army Wife
Mom of 3 great kids ages 18, 13 & 3!
Future money maker! Lol!
I do three jobs from home that have not been mentioned. 1. Book reviewing. Started off reviewing online for the payment of free books, and now I review for a national publication and get paid for it. 2. At home standardized test grading through Pearson scoring. This is seasonal, you do have to have a degree and some expertise, but the pay is excellent. 3. I am an internet assessor for Lionbridge. I have been doing this for almost two years now and it is great work that can be done any time of the day or night. You do have to do testing to qualify to work for them, plus meet quality standards every month.
Rebecca Gunter
I am disabled and seeking a way to supplement my income and you have a few suggestions on working from home.
My question would be how to begin…how do you find a company that will allow me to read books for free books or payment. Also the internet assessor sounds like an awesome job; however I’m not sure how to reach companies that allow you to work from home that are not a scam.
Thank you for any advise you can provide.
Rebecca Gunter
[email protected]
Cyntyche Bastian
Hi there’s a great business that allows you to work from home and it’s legit. Let me know if your interested. [email protected]
Joan Nelson
could you send me some information on how you get into the 3 business you mention would sure appreciate it
Thank you,
I’m a distributor for a premier health and wellness company called Advocare. Average $1,000 per month right now and before this time next year I will exceed my full time income to work from home on my own terms 🙂 Having a friend introduce me to Advocare has been one of the best things that has happened to my family!
Great post! I love how mamas are so energetic and inspired to be there for their kiddos and contribute to the family income. We are amazing, aren’t we!?!
I am a nurse, and I work mostly nights, mostly weekends. I would LOVE to stay home all the time, but I need to work for health benefits because my husband is self employed. We homeschool and it gets hairy sometimes. However, I am thankful for my work and the opportunity to serve others.
It would be wonderful to find a way to utilize my skills and training from home.
Thanks for the ideas and encouragement. I dream of being a farmer (smiles) and selling our extra eggs, milk, and produce someday. We won’t get rich (who cares!?!) from it but we would love every minute.
Radiantly you is a great company to work with. Just starting myself with them their products are all natural and offer a great opportunity. Please add them to your list also for earning an income at home. They give back in many ways .
In the month of July every $50 order provided a week worth of meals for a child. So check them out for a great opportunity with a great company.
You definitely need to add Radiantly You to your list! 🙂 The company just launched on June 28th, 2014. We sell affordable (everything under $20!) natural personal care and cleaning products. Every single ingredient is listed on the label, total transparency. We source the best quality ingredients. In fact, our founder, Melissa Brown, just traveled to Africa to meet the farmers that supply our sustainable palm oil. This month (almost over) for every $50 order, RY is providing a week’s worth of meals for a child in the village where Melissa visited. RY is giving back in so many ways! Such an awesome company to work for! Please check them out!
What is your average income selling Radiantly You per month?
Hi Sarah! I didn’t follow the comments on this post so I didn’t know you asked a question. I just started in April and each month has been different. It depends on how much effort you put into it. Radiantly You is not a party company and there are no monthly quotas so you can share however you want and sell. My team is definitely growing though. I have and 5 people join me and 3 more who are considering it! Email me if you have more questions. [email protected]
Excellent resource and great blog post topic – thank you!
We rent out a room in our house and have for years. Easiest way to make $500-700 a month that I’ve ever experienced! We have a 3 bedroom house with 3 kids in one room, renter in another, and the baby with us. Works just fine with lots of great community benefits both ways. She even helps clean the kitchen and babysit as part of her payment!
On that same note, we are going to be renting out our pop-up tent trailer on so if any families want an inexpensive, relaxed place to stay in Santa Barbara – look us up!
I also blog, edit books for publishing, speak at minor events, consign and craigslist items, & just started doTerra, but haven’t made a regular killing at any of those yet. I enjoy them all, though, so I’m okay if I don’t.
However I’m not just about creating more income, but also finding unique ways to save, so here are some ideas, including clothing swaps, free babysitting, and co-buying a house!
Thanks again! And nice to “meet” you… =)
Love this post! Super helpful…I blog casually but am attempting to get serious with it. I have also had some success with selling things on eBay. I will definitely refer back to this post as I am constantly looking for creative ways to bring in some income.