Writing & photos by Grace Furman, contributing writer
It is official – winter is really here! Of course my first illness of the season hit to mark the occasion. I find it common that people seem to catch a bug or virus during the transition of seasons or when the weather suddenly changes.
Interestingly, it is actually not the cooler weather itself that is making us get sick. The real reason is because different strains of viruses thrive in different temperatures. Two main agents of the common cold multiply better in cooler temperatures which is why we experience them so often in the fall and winter. The flu virus also flourishes in the cold as well as in a dry climate making the winter the best time for it to take hold.
In my case, I was experiencing a sore throat, upper respiratory tract congestion, and a bit of a cough. Thankfully it was all just part of a run-of-the-mill cold virus, however, other illnesses that affect the respiratory system are not uncommon during the colder months as well. Bronchitis, flu, pneumonia, and sinus infection are just a few.
Whenever I caught this type of an illness while growing up, I would be slathered in Vicks VapoRub. Unfortunately, mainstream store-bought decongestant ointments like Vicks contain potentially harmful ingredients.
One of the worst offenders is synthetic fragrances, which have been linked to allergies, irritations, and even organ system toxicity. Another common ingredient found in over-the-counter ointments is petrolatum (aka petroleum jelly). And again, petrolatum is also connected to organ system toxicity.
Who needs fake fragrances and petroleum by-products when you can utilize the natural healing power of essential oils? You still get that same great scent. In fact, I think they smell even better.
Whether you are sick with a cold, sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, or even dealing with chronic issues, this Natural Vapor Rub DIY should help relieve your symptoms and promote healing.
Note: The common cold typically runs its course in about 10 days (make sure you check out my 24hr Protocol for How to Stop a Cold!). It is important to see a health care provider if your symptoms increase in severity or last longer than a week. Always err on the side of caution if you are unsure. This remedy is not meant to replace medication when required.
Natural Vapor Rub DIY
- ¼ cup + 1 tbsp coconut oil ( find it here)
- 2 tbsp shea butter (find it here)
- 1 tbsp grated beeswax (find it here)
- 15-20 drops lemon essential oil* (find it here)
- 15-20 drops peppermint essential oil *† (find it here)
- 15-20 drops eucalyptus essential oil *† (find it here)
- (See note about KidSafe oil choices below.)
- Measure coconut oil, shea butter, and grated beeswax into a double boiler. If you do not have a double boiler, a small pot or glass jar within a medium pot of shallow water will also work.
- Heat the ingredients over low-medium until they have completed melted. Stir occasionally.
- Pour into a clean container such as a jar or tin with a lid.
- Allow to cool at room temperature until solid.
- Once it has set, add in all the essential oils while stirring with a small fork or spoon.
- Store the Vapor Rub in a cool, dry place away from direct light such as a bathroom cabinet or drawer.

To use, rub a substantial amount onto your chest and throat as needed. Really breathe in the scent while doing this. You can also massage it into the soles of your feet and cover with socks.
This rub is especially helpful before bedtime so you can breathe easier.
*Safety note: Lemon, peppermint, and eucalyptus essential oils are not recommended for use while pregnant by some sources. Check with a professional and always exercise caution.
†Safety note: Peppermint and eucalyptus essential oil are not recommended for use on children under 6 years old. For older children, the essential oils should be diluted twice as much.
For an excellent child-friendly essential oil option, I love Plant Therapy’s blends: Immune Boom, Sniffle Stopper, and Germ Destroyer. You can buy these three in a set here.
Ingredient Breakdown
Coconut Oil
• Has antibacterial properties
• Contains vitamin E
Shea Butter
• Found to reduce inflammation
• Aids in muscle fatigue, aches, and tension
• Contains vitamin E and vitamin A
• Contains anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antiviral properties
Lemon Essential Oil
• Has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties
• Stimulates lymphatic system meaning white blood cells get better circulated throughout the body and can start fighting infection, the lymphatic system also helps rid the body of toxins
• Aids in overcoming respiratory conditions
• Boosts the immune system’s function
• Provides an energy boost
Peppermint Essential Oil
• Has antibacterial and antiviral properties
• Supports the respiratory system’s function
• Clears the respiratory tract
• Loosens mucus so you can cough it up
• Clears nasal congestion
• Contains soothing menthol
• Stimulates sweating and thus can help with fever
• Provides an energy boost
Eucalyptus Essential Oil
• Has antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties
• Loosens phlegm and mucus so you can expel it
• Relieves nasal congestion
• Relieves coughing
• Improves respiratory circulation
• Boosts the immune system’s function
• Provides an energy boost
When I realized I had caught a cold, I made the Natural Vapor Rub that day. I applied it to my chest and up my throat before going to bed. The next morning I woke up already feeling better than I had the day before even after just that very first night using it. With continued use, I proceeded to completely nip that cold in the bud within a couple days.
Now I have the rest of the batch already on hand for when the next respiratory illness strikes or if my husband, who is a teacher, brings home something from school.
The Natural Vapor Rub is so effective because it has the healing forces of nature working for it. Remember to combine it with good hand washing, extra rest, nutritious food, and ample hydration. Of course water is the king of hydration; however, there are other options to add in as well if you are craving some variety. Try sipping on homemade broth, herbal tea, coconut water, or kombucha as well.
If you use the Natural Vapor Rub and follow these guidelines, I’m confident you will be feeling better shortly.
Grace Furman is a freelance writer and blogger at Heartful Habits. Heartful Habits is a place of inspiration and support for your natural health and wellness journey. She loves learning and sharing about wellness tips, natural remedies, beauty DIYs, green cleaners, and more.
The rub sounds great! So much better than the commercial rubs with all the ingredients we don’t need and want.
Andrea’s Wellness Notes
Grace Furman
Absolutely, Andrea! And it’s easy to make ahead and keep on hand for when illness strikes.