It’s totally easy and possible to clean your whole house naturally – without toxic chemicals! This post is the perfect guide to non-toxic cleaning tips and DIYs for your home.

This post was originally written by guest writer Kelly Oribine in 2012, & was updated & expanded in 2021 by Beth Ricci.
When I got married, I honestly didn’t care about having non-toxic cleaning products. We lived in an old apartment full of character and cobwebs, and I considered bleach my new best friend.
After kids, I thought twice about our household cleaners. Surely the things we breathe and come into contact with on a daily basis would affect our health, right? I bought things with words like “organic” and “natural” and “pure” on the labels, but I was fairly certain I was being sold a lie. And, at least some of the time, I was.
When my son was born he was sensitive to just about anything unnatural. We began to ditch toxic chemicals full force and I’m so glad we did.
Conventional cleaners are usually toxic and aren’t something I want to use around my family. My new rule of thumb?
Cleaning products shouldn’t be more dangerous than the problem I’m trying to solve.
Making your own cleaners is a simple and inexpensive way to clean your home naturally, without toxic chemicals. It doesn’t have to be fancy or complicated. I like that these cleaners are safe for my kids to be around. And I don’t need to totally freak out if they accidentally get into it.
This post is going to give you a solid overview of how non-toxic cleaning (with a little know-how and certain multi-use ingredients) really can effectively tackle the whole house. Here’s what we’ll cover:
Table of contents
Why Non-Toxic Cleaning?
I think most people know by now that there are plenty of pretty nasty ingredients lurking on the store shelves – especially in the household supplies aisle. Toxic ingredients can have tongue twister names and are linked with issues like asthma, allergies, skin reactions, eye damage, lung damage, and many more.
The best part is that natural cleaners are generally less expensive and definitely way safer. Bonus points: they won’t burn your lungs either!
Tools you Need to Clean Your Whole House
In addition to the ingredients, there are a few supplies I like to keep on hand.
- Microfiber and glass cleaning cloths (Norwex is my favorite – I can’t live without the Enviro Cloth for general cleaning, and the Window Cloth for perfectly streak-free glass and stainless steel.)
- Glass spray bottles
- Jars with lids
- Bucket and mop
- Scouring pads and/or scrub brush
Multi-Tasking in Your Chemical Free Cleaning
It’s so easy to get caught up in all of the beautifully packaged natural cleaners at the store. We don’t need a different cleaner for every surface in our house though! Just a few simple ingredients come together to tackle a wide variety of messes.
Basically – we need items that will perform a few essential functions, like lifting dirt and degreasing. Here are some cleaning staples I keep on hand to use for DIY non-toxic cleaning recipes.
Ingredients/Supplies to Clean Your Home Naturally
- White vinegar – shines, removes hard water stains, and degreases
- Dish soap – lifts dirt, degreases, and disinfects
- Baking soda – mild abrasive to scrub away stuck-on messes
- Washing soda – scrubs away messes and degreases
- Hydrogen peroxide – disinfects and lifts away dirt
- Essential oils – have antimicrobial properties and make your home smell amazing
- Olive oil – (or other vegetable oil) shines and protects wood
- Castile soap – lifts dirt, degreases, and disinfects
Mixing Cleaners Ingredients?
Some ingredients don’t play together nicely and should NOT be mixed together. For example, dish soap (which is technically a detergent), and vinegar can be used together. The soap helps remove soap scum and degrease, while the vinegar doubles the degreasing and mineral busting power. However castile soap and vinegar don’t mix.
Here’s a quick guide on what natural cleaners to avoid mixing in the same container (or at all):
- Vinegar and hydrogen peroxide (creates peracetic acid)
- Vinegar and castile soap – the vinegar unsaponifies the soap so instead of the best of both worlds we get a goopy mess.
- Baking soda and vinegar (1st-grade volcano experiment anyone??). This is ok to do on a surface (like the oven), but don’t try to mix them in a container to store.
Non-Toxic Cleaning Products You Can Make
Here’s how to clean your whole house with non-toxic cleaning products! With just a few simple recipes we can clean the entire house.
1. Homemade Soft Scrub
This is a heavy duty cleaner for tough messes, but gentle enough for kids to be around. Mix some baking soda in a small bowl with enough hydrogen peroxide to make a paste. Use a scrubby sponge to scrub the mess away. If you have sensitive skin you may want to wear rubber gloves. Try this on rust stains, soap scum, and dirty grout lines.
2. Disinfectant Spray
If you’re wondering how to sanitize without toxic chemicals, a natural disinfectant is your answer. Many essential oils have antimicrobial properties and are a great addition to natural cleaners. Tea tree (aka melaleuca) is one of my favorite essential oil to disinfect with. I place some in a spray bottle filled with water when I feel the need to disinfect something. Other people like the “thieves” blend, which is several antimicrobial essential oils together.
Other disinfecting ingredients you could use instead as a spray:
- vinegar (disinfectant, acidic to break down dirt)
- rubbing alcohol (disinfectant, effective solvent, evaporates quickly)
Note: these ingredients (essential oils with disinfectant properties, vinegar, rubbing alcohol) all have disinfectant ability, but none are 100% effective in lab tests. However – most homes aren’t aiming for a sterile environment, so this is not necessarily a bad thing. Most sources agree that these natural ingredients are effective enough to handle typical household germs in regular day-to-day needs.
If you want a grab and go option, try some of these DIY disinfectant cloth wipes.
Keep in mind that essential oils are potent and should be kept away from little hands. I suppose that goes for all home cleaning supplies, natural or not! Other good essential oils for cleaning include:
- lemon
- clove
- orange
- grapefruit
- eucalyptus
- lime
- pine or fir needle

3. All-Purpose Cleaner
Most things can be cleaned with a bucket full of warm water with either a squirt of a non-toxic dish soap or a splash of vinegar. Either of these solutions are great for cleaning cabinets and walls, the inside of your refrigerator, and nearly any hard household surface that needs a gentle cleaning.
If you don’t want to haul a bucket of soapy water around then spray is another option. I use this simple all-purpose cleaning spray.
4. All Natural Window Cleaner
I use a spray bottle full of vinegar as a glass and mirror cleaner, along with my Norwex Window Cloth. This combo is my fave, and super effective for anything made of glass or stainless steel. It leaves zero streaks behind, unlike any other cloth I’ve ever tried.
How to Clean Everything Without Toxic Chemicals

Tackle the Toilets
What I like about commercial toilet cleaners is the special bottle design that allowed me to get the cleaner under the toilet bowl rim. A great way I’ve found to copy this is by putting my toilet bowl cleaner in a spray bottle with the nozzle set to stream. Straight vinegar works just fine, but you can also add some essential oils for scent.
Mini Blinds
Clean vinyl mini-blinds with natural dish soap, some vinegar, and hot water. If you don’t like tediously cleaning each individual blind, then do it in the bathtub. Remove the blinds, clean them in the tub, then rinse off with the showerhead. Lay on some towels to dry before rehanging.
For the wider, wooden blinds, a Norwex cloth with a little water works great.
Cleaning Floors
I mop my tile and laminate floors by adding a big splash of vinegar and a few drops of a favorite essential oil to a bucket of warm water. The vinegar smell will disappear as your floors dry. I promise your house won’t smell vinegary when you’re done! For extra dirty floors (i.e. at my house, lol) you can add some soap (I use a squirt of dish soap) to the bucket.
Freshen Carpet and Knock Out Stains
Hydrogen peroxide works wonders on tough stains. Just be sure to do a patch test first on an out of sight piece of carpet! To freshen carpets, heavily sprinkle baking soda over them. Let the baking soda sit for a few hours to overnight before vacuuming.
Mattresses and Furniture
Here’s a simple recipe to freshen your mattress or sofa.
- Put some baking soda into a shaker jar or a mason jar with holes nailed into the lid.
- Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Lavender, tea tree, lemon, or any from the essential oil list above are good options. Shake well to combine.
- Sprinkle the mixture onto your mattress, upholstered furniture, or carpet, and leave it for an hour or so before vacuuming the solution up.
Wood and Leather
Sealed wood can be polished with a soft cloth with a tiny bit of diluted vinegar and olive oil on it. If you’re looking for non-toxic cleaning products for your leather, you don’t have to resort to expensive (and nasty) cleaning kits. This wood and leather balm adds a nourishing layer of wax and oil and helps condition leather fabric.
Non-Toxic Cleaners for the Kitchen
Stainless Steel
Put some undiluted vinegar in a spray bottle and use it to wipe down stainless steel surfaces. You can also put a little bit of vodka or rubbing alcohol in the bottle to help the mixture dry faster and avoid streaks.

Sinks and Drains
You can easily shine your kitchen sink with basic ingredients. Use a little baking soda and water, plus elbow grease to scrub the dirt and grime away. A little bit of dish soap can also be added to the mix if needed. Then spray vinegar and scrub all residue away. Finish by drying with a microfiber cloth until it shines! (As mentioned above – the Norwex Window cloth is awesome for this.)
To remove stinky drain smells, pour a couple cups of warm vinegar down and let sit for half an hour. Run hot water to rinse afterward. You can also run some citrus peels through the garbage disposal if you have one.
Non-Toxic Cleaning for the Microwave
This is so easy and it works really well. The vinegar does smell up the kitchen for a bit, but you can use lemon juice if preferred.
- Put ½ cup of vinegar and ½ cup of water in a glass microwaveable bowl. Or use a few tablespoons of lemon juice in water.
- Microwave on high until it’s boiling and has covered the walls of the microwave in condensation This takes about 5 minutes.
- Let sit for 3 minutes before carefully removing the bowl. Wipe the surface clean with a cleaning cloth or dishcloth.
Put the Kettle On
To descale your kettle, put enough vinegar in it to cover the limescale and mineral deposits. Boil the vinegar in the kettle, and then rinse the kettle well.
Natural Oven Cleaner
Oven cleaner was the last cleaner I eliminated and the one I was most uncomfortable using in my home. I kept trying homemade solutions, discovering they didn’t work, and then going out and buying the can of spray-on oven cleaner. Yes, it works wonders, but leaves me nervous to let my children breathe the air in our home!
The best natural oven cleaner I’ve found is Shaklee’s Scour Off. It works noticeably better than any of the homemade solutions I’ve tried. If you’d prefer a homemade cleaner, the homemade soft scrub listed above works pretty well with a generous dose of elbow grease.
Clean Up Your Laundry
While laundry doesn’t usually get lumped in with cleaning, it’s still something that calls for cleaning products. Conventional laundry detergents and fabric softener use synthetic fragrances and harsh chemicals that can cause skin irritation. What goes in our washing machine goes on our clothing and then gets on our skin.
If you want non-toxic cleaning products in the laundry room, then give these a try:
- Instead of dryer sheets, try some reusable wool dryer balls. They work great and are way more environmentally-friendly because you reuse them for years.
- For laundry detergent, ECOS and Seventh Generation both use natural ingredients and are free of harmful chemicals.
- Conventional stain removers are also chemical-laden products I avoid, but hydrogen peroxide works for most stains.
You can read more about how I do laundry without toxic chemicals here.
Where to Buy Natural Cleaners
If you’re too busy to DIY or that’s not your thing, then there are other options. Some of these natural products you can find next to the conventional cleaning products at your local grocery store. My top criteria for choosing natural cleaners includes non-toxic cleaning ingredients and high values. While many cleaners don’t make the list, there are plenty that do.
Keep in mind that a good all-purpose spray will cover most bases, and we don’t need a gazillion different cleaners. That said, here are some recommended non-toxic cleaning companies to buy from.
- Norwex
- Nature Clean (Canadian brand)
- Aunt Fannies
- Whoa Nelli
- Branch Basics
- Bronner’s castile soap and Sal Suds
Avoid Greenwashing
Unfortunately, there are a lot of companies out there that boast “naturally derived” ingredients “simple ingredients” or just use natural colors like green in their packaging. This doesn’t automatically make them safe and non-toxic though!
Always look at the ingredient list to find the best natural cleaning products. Even some green cleaning products contain ingredients that can cause unwanted health effects in humans. It’s best to look for safer products that work for both the environment and people!
The Environmental Working Group is a great resource for finding safe cleaning products. The EWG looks at the product ingredients and rates them by how safe they are for both people and planet. While I may not agree 100% of the time with their analysis, they’re a great starting point, and can be very eye-opening!
Non-Toxic Cleaning Made Simple
Making your own non-toxic cleaners is a simple way to avoid the toxins in many common cleaning products. It doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. And if you’re just not in the mood to DIY, you’ve still got natural cleaning options easily accessible!
Don’t miss my Spring Cleaning Checklist: The Ultimate Guide for Busy Families!
With a little awareness and know-how, you can clean your whole house with natural, non-toxic cleaning supplies. Happy scrubbing!
Kelly lives in rural Ontario Canada with her husband, their six kids, and a small brood of far-too-friendly backyard chickens.

Jessica Haddican
Have you ever tried Norwex microfiber? You only need water and the cloths to completely clean your whole home! The cloths have microsilver embedded in them which helps inhibit the growth of any mold or bacteria which means you have to wash them A LOT less often.
Thank you for sharing this!!
Mini Clean
Wow! This is a very creative way of using affordable materials that can be found in your own houses for cleaning. I Have read a lot of blogs saying that vinegar is really a good cleaning agent. Sounds really effective to many.
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I only buy my essential oils from They’re a great company and they’re not too pricey either. I love their essential oils and their other products. Whatever you do don’t buy your essential oils from somewhere like Wal-Mart, they’re probably not organic and not very good quality either. I’ve found some oils there but they’re not essential and they weren’t organic and they weren’t meant for cleaning and/or making homemade beauty products or salves and such. I make all my own salves, cleaning products, laundry detergent, lotions and beauty products and I only use Mountain Rose Herbs products. They specifically tell you that their products are organic and what they’re best used for and they even send you recipes for cleaning products and things like that. They also sell teas and organic olive and coconut oils as well as other oils that you can cook with and spices, etc. I make my own cayenne slave for pain with organic olive oil and cayenne spice from them and it works wonders. If you want more information on them though just to their website and read the info. They tell you what each product is what it’s good for as far as pain, headaches, etc and they do the same things with their teas. The catalogs that they send out are also sent on recycled/recyclable paper. It’s a great company that pays their workers well, treats them well and is honest about their products.
I’m curious if tea tree oil is toxic if swallowed is it safe to add to my cleaning products? Most of the all purpose sprays that say add an essential oil list tea tree oil as an option. Or lemon oil. Sometimes both. The all purpose kitchen cleaner I just made has 10-15 drops of each in it.
I don’t think tea tree oil is toxic. I have swallowed it before, though it is stout it is harmless. It is also great for ear infections. Take a little dosage cup and put a few drops of tea tree oil,and a few drops of olive oil. Drop in ear and use a cotton ball.I used this remedy for my kids ear infections many times.
Insread of nasty antibiotics.
thanks for posting this, everytime i clean i cant stand that chemically smell that i smell after im done knowing that its not good to inhale that, but all these “green” “organic” products is just marketing they either dont work or not all that “Green”
Off The Cuff Cooking
Hi! Good tips all here — I normally just post cooking tips, but I have done an oven-cleaning tutorial a while ago, and thought I’d also share it here since most people are hesitant to get rid of their oven-cleaning sprays. An all natural pumice stone will work wonders on built up gunk in your oven or on your drip pans, and under your range-top.
Great list…I have been using a similar mixture for glass cleaner and all purpose cleaner…they work great! For the toilet I sprinkle baking soda liberally then add vinegar and it makes a nice cleansing foam for the brush. The only thing I have not tackled is the tub and kitchen sink (both white)…I still resort to a scrub with bleach : ( (6 people using the same shower every day!) Also, I am trying to find a way to naturally unclog drains if you know of any. Such a blessing to find you through Pinterest : )
Mary P
I get a rag wet and add a little dish soap, then I just sprinkle baking soda as needed and scrub the tub like that. The baking soda does all the work! Grime comes right off! I used to use Comet (powdered bleach), but had to put a lot of elbow grease into it. Not anymore!
Maira Sias
For the shower and sinks I use a 2:1 ratio of vinegar and blue Dawn dish soap. I use the directions above to the clean the microwave then I take that same vinegar (no use in wasting it) still warm and pour it into a spray bottle. Add 1/2 cup of blue Dawn dish soap (other dish soaps don’t work as well) to the spray bottle. Shake gently to mix the solution and spray directly on to your shower, tub, shower doors, and sink. Let it sit for an hour then wipe down with a damp towel, rag, sponge, or scrubber. You shouldn’t have to scrub at all just wipe away the gunk then rinse everything down with water.
For clogged drains (which I haven’t had in a very long time) I use 1/2 cup of baking soda and pour it down the drain with a funnel -you want to get as much down there as possible. Then pour 1/2 cup of warm vinegar down the drain and block the drain so the foam doesn’t come back out. After 10 minutes pour a gallon of boiling water down the drain and that should work. If it doesn’t fully work I would wait a few days, try using a drain snake (or a wire coat hanger with a hook on the end) to get any hair or clogs out then repeat with the baking soda, vinegar and hot water. This works for sinks, tubs and toilets. If you’re doing it to your toilet make sure you empty the toilet bowl of any water first.
Hope that helps
I use the baking soda & vinegar then wait and pour the boiling water and I can confirm that it works great. for the sink and tub I pour some baking soda in a corner then add a little dish soap. mix with my finger til it’s the right consistency and tada! I have soft scrub. it works great and I am making just enough each time I clean.
the most natural(unnatural) way i know to unclog drains is to use coke a cola. poured right down the drain. it will eat a hole through just about anything. good idea to use it before you go to bed so it can sit in the clog and work and gets a good rinsing in the morning when all the showering starts. or when ever you have a down time in the shower. hope this helps!!
FlyLady has a great Drain Unclogger that uses just air. You can get it on her site. I love all of these tips. I use baking soda on my white sinks and to mop my floors and tables, cabinets, etc… It has been the easiest cleaning product I ever found. I dump a heaping tablespoon of baking soda into a shallow sinkful of hot water every night, use the water to wash all the kitchen down and mop my floor. Amazing and gets rid of hard water mineral deposits too.
To unclog drains:
What I do is boil several gallons of water, pour 1 gallon down the drain, then “pour” baking soda down the drain. when the next water is boiled, slowly pour it down, taking the baking soda with it, then follow with white vinegar. Be careful, the water/mix may splash up, then after a few minutes, slowly pour another gallon of boiling water down.
I have used this many times, and it usually works.
White vinegar is also great for cleaning up pet accidents. The vinegar counteracts the ammonia in the urine.
Also, I once rehabilitated a very expensive espresso machine someone gave me because they thought it was broken. I ran a half and half vinegar/water mixture through it like I do with my coffee pot and tea kettle. After a few seconds it started puffing steam then running hot water with chunks of hard water deposits in it then clear water.
You may want to check out Dr. Anne Steinemann’s work: she has proven that essential oils are NOT safe, but also can contain a lot of toxic elements. Just google her and essential oils.
Hi Leah! Everything I’ve read on the topic seems to suggest that even things scented with essential oils can have toxic chemicals in them, but not that the oils themselves are toxic.
Shelley Barber Clark
Hello! How can I know if the essential oils I’ve purchased have toxic chemicals or not??? Thanks Kelly!
Beth Ricci
There are some essential oils that are pure, and some not so much… I don’t know as much about it, but I DO know that there is a definite difference in quality. One supplier I’ve heard is trustworthy is… but I’m sure there would be pure brands available near you as well.
I have one of those new-type washing machines that requires you to “clean washing machine” periodically. I assume it is for built-up pet hair and/or lint or fuzz. Of course, it recommends using the brand name “Affresh” product. Clorox came out with a similar product at half the cost, but now I cannot find either product in the stores any more. Do you have a solution for cleaning a new-type washing machine other that trying Drano? I think that would damage my machine. The purpose, I believe is to dissolve the particles that are clogging it up. Any suggestions would greatly help me out. Maybe baking soda and vinegar, since that fizzles when combined?Thank you! 😀
Hi Cindyrellae! I use vinegar and baking soda in my washing machine a couple times a year and it works great!
Thank you very much. I appreciate your timely response and advice. Could I ask you how much of each I should use, and should I put the baking soda in the barrel and the vinegar in the soap dispenser??? Thanks-Cindy
I don’t have a front loader. If you do you should try googling it, I know I’ve seen bloggers with front loading machines cover this topic 🙂
Mine is a top loader as well. I have never liked front loaders, ‘cos you can’t add that last “Oh, I forgot this ” item! LOL! Thank you for all your advice, Kelly. I will figure out the where-to-put-it thing, but could you tell me how much BS and Vin. to use? Last question, I promise. 😀
Maira Sias
I use this technique to clean my washing machine.
Just add a little bit of diluted bleach/vinegar to the soap dispenser when u first start the machine so that it will run through the machine as well.
I hope you mean diluted bleach OR vinegar: you should NEVER mix the two!!! Toxic fumes!!!
Rebecca Campbell
Thank you…..My Grand Parent’s ,Aunt and Mother used Vinegar alot as a cleaning aide….I guess the older generation knew more.
Amber Jones
Do you have anything that cuts through grease?
Hi Amber. A good safe dishsoap will cut through grease just fine. 🙂
OK. Question: what about cat litter boxes?
Deborah Davies
Great ideas! I’m a newbie on this site & look forward to future tips & time saving ideas! Thank You!
I’m gonna try what you did with the microwave!!!! Same kind of stuff. Maybe it will work. Have ya done that. How did it work?
Tatan Tatiz
boil a cup of water in the microwave and leave it there for for 10 minutes. Then wipe it off.
Janet MacPhail
this method works really well .if there is a lot of hard baked on stuff I will give the sides a quick splatter of the mixure just using my fingers and flicking it on the sides. I also use a glass measuring cup though so it is a bit easier to get the hot mixture out of the microwave.
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Gma Judy
For me these idea’s are great because with the excpetion of spraying the vinegar, it wont bother my lungs. I was diagnosed with COPD a yr ago. Which explains y every time I went to clean my own bathroom it left me very breathless. I was thinking that the cleaning products were just getting worse in the making of them. Never dawned on me it was..well, ME. lol
Thanks for sharing this with us.
Janet MacPhail
I use a painters mask when I work with smells that are too strong for me .it helps me get the job done without the headach that comes along with strong smelling products
You should look into Norwex cleaning products. You can clean your whole house and body with only water.
Debi Bentley
I like your methods, many cleaners leave me smelling them for hours after use.. I will try these. Thanks!
Some great ideas! Thanks :). I’ve been trying to integrate more natural cleaning methods too – for years, everytime I’d clean the bathrooms, I’d be stuffy for days afterwards…and I still had no clue that it’s because the stuff in the cleaners were bad for me! So lots of these ideas will be really helpful to me as I try to have a clean home without being stuffy all the time 🙂