It’s here! It’s here!
We start the GAPS Intro Diet today, and I am really, really looking forward to it, and the changes it will bring!

I prepped today’s soup last night (the bone broth I had made several days ago). I chopped the veggies, put it all together, stuck it in the fridge, and then put it on to boil/simmer as soon as I woke up this morning.
The soup consists of chicken bone broth, onions (sauteed first in 1/4 cup or so of coconut oil), carrots, zucchini, and butternut squash. I will also add 8 or so crushed raw cloves of garlic (after it’s done cooking, as it’s healthiest in its uncooked state), and then a spoonful of my homemade sauerkraut to each bowlful, for its beneficial probiotic bacteria.
This is all we will eat today (however much we want).
Tomorrow we will hopefully move to stage 2 (depending on how our bodies react today).

Our brief stay in the hospital made me wonder how on earth anyone can possibly get any better eating the nutrient deficient disgusting food they served. The vegetables tasted like they had been in the freezer for thirty years and then microwaved eight times before they came up to us. They were in some serious need of bone broth soup in that place.
ha! seriously – what is wrong with hospitals? i thought they were trying to heal people?! when ally was born i had to have chris bring me food from home – it was *that* bad.