You may recall a post I wrote back in January when I was half-way through this pregnancy, talking about the decision I faced of where to birth this babe. Since I live in a small town and travel to the city for midwifery care, I also have to birth in the city (I dream of having a home birth one day!). I had three main options (I only knew about the first two when I wrote that post).
1) In the hospital (potentially with a birthing pool!)
2) At a B&B near the hospital that is labour & birth-friendly (but dependent on vacancy when I go into labour)
3) In the basement of a friend of my midwives (who is one of their nurse back-ups in case one of them can’t make it)
Now at 35 weeks pregnant I needed to get this all figured out, and we have decided on option 3. We went to see the place after my midwife appointment last week, and it is pretty much perfect. There is a large rec room with toys*, 2 bedrooms (one for birthing and one for my midwives to rest in if necessary) and a bathroom with a nice large sized shower. In the room for birthing there’s a double bed, a cradle with sheepskin, a night table/lamp, and lots of floor space where the birthing tub will be, as well as a mini-fridge. We can use her kitchen on the main floor if needed. Oh! And she’ll make us breakfast in the morning – how sweet is that?!
(*My Dad is flying in 2 days before my due date, so hopefully he will be here to take care of Isaac and Aliza while we go to the city for the birth, but if for some reason we had to bring the kids with us, it would be ok. Not ideal, but ok.)
There is a charge for using this place (though if I don’t make it there for some reason, I won’t have to pay anything), but I can stay for around 24 hours before either going home or to the B&B for a night or two. If I’m still in the city on day 3, then my midwives will come to me for a check-up, but if I go home then I’ll need to return to the city on day 3.
For that part I’m leaning toward going home and then coming back on day 3, for two reasons: 1) the cost of the B&B, and 2) the fact that I know that I’ll miss Isaac and Aliza desperately, and just want to be together as a family.
That’s how I felt when I was in the hospital after Aliza’s birth – I just wanted to get home as soon as I could! I know some women see being in the hospital as a little bit of a break before returning to the daily grind, but I don’t find it relaxing in the slightest, with the noisiness, the constant vitals checks from nurses, the terrible food (a very passionate rant for another day), and the uncomfortable beds.
This whole out-of-hospital birth (which I will probably just call a home birth from now on) thing with my midwife can happen only when I’m full-term (premature births would be too high-risk for out-of-hospital)… which is 37 weeks… which is 13 days away (!!!). Crazy!
I know that birth plans don’t always play out as they are written, and that emergencies and unexpected scenarios can happen. Nonetheless, this is what we are aiming for, hoping for, and wanting. I am actually very excited about this birth. I am nervous in the same way as someone about to jump out of a plane – knowing that it’s terrifying but at the same time potentially the most incredible thing you’ll ever experience in your life.
I believe in the empowering and awe-inspiring birthing power of a woman’s body.
Of my body.
And I am honoured to be able to experience it!
{Linking up with the Natural Parents Network blog hop on Preparing for Baby the Natural Way!}
What a nice option to have! Thanks for sharing this part of your preparations with us.
Sounds awesome! It seems like a really great option, and it’s great that it seems like it will be comfortable for birthing. I’m sure just feeling like you could have the kids with you during the birth if absolutely necessary is freeing – what to do with kids during labor/who will watch them is heavy on the minds of many women.
I’m going for an HBAC in January :). We’re still in the very early stages of pregnancy, but praying all goes well. I’ve been accepted to two midwifery groups, so I just need to let one of them (the one much further away) know that I’m not going with them. I’m very excited, and really believe that being in a cosy environment (in my case, at home) will make for an amazing birth for the baby and myself :). Good luck on all your plans! It’s great how everything is coming together 😉
Thanks Marci. I can’t wait to hear how your birth goes too. What a fantastic story that will be!
I get so excited to see moms relishing the experience of powerful birth! I just had my third out-of-hospital birth one month ago (all VBACs), and I wouldn’t trade those experiences for anything! I wish you all the best and God’s blessings for your birth.
thanks! i really am excited, and hope that it goes according to plans, more or less 🙂
This really sounds like the next best thing to having a home birth for you guys! So glad that you’re able to be in a comfortable environment that you are happy & comfortable with! I seriously cant wait…which is making me want #3 NOW…Jason is still not on board with NOW 🙂 can’t really blame him.
I think that going home after 24 hours is the best call…sooner if possible. I hated having to wait to go home & see Evie & ‘start’ life as a bigger family. It’s crazy how much I missed her after not seeing her for couple of hours.
On a different note…hospital food is TERRIBLE! I just can’t wrap my mind around the fact that a place that is supposed to promote health & healing serves such crap that does not nourish the body in anyway…although that said after both births all I wanted was a chocolate chip cookie & a really good sandwich, only 1 of which was accomplished 🙂
thanks kat 🙂 you want number 3 now? are you nuts? you silly girl, lol. henry is what – 6 wks old? ha! oh, and about the hospital food… EXACTLY! Argh!
It must be a relief to have this planned now. And it sounds like a really great option. I look forward to hearing how the actual delivery goes! I really liked labouring in the tub with my first, but this time around, pretty much as soon as I got into the tub my contractions got unbelievably intense and quick so that I couldn’t move. It took me half an hour and a husband’s help to just get me out of the tub! 🙂
It IS a total relief. Now to get all of the supplies and stuff in order, as well as rearranging some stuff in our house (mostly our room where baby will sleep) then I will feel ready! Too bad about not enjoying the tub – I hope that doesn’t happen to me 🙁
So exciting!! I can’t wait to hear all about it!!!!!!! =D
And then you need to come visit! The mountains are calling your name… 🙂
Hope everything goes really well for you all. I’ll be praying!
Thanks Diane! I appreciate it!
Totally agree… YOU can do it! YOU will deliver this baby; not midwives, as helpful and supportive as they may be. Can’t wait to hear the next part of this story. 🙂
Yes, exactly! The mamas deliver babies – the midwives are there to support and assist 🙂
So excited for you! Sounds like a wonderful experience coming up for number 3, and I look forward to hearing that story.
Thanks Crystal! It’s so nice to know that I have dear friends sharing in our excitement 🙂