It’s inevitable.
When you’re at the waddling stage of pregnancy (so, the entire last trimester for me pretty much) you get asked two questions at least a billion times a day.
1) How much longer?
2) How are you feeling?
Number one is usually met with shock and horror when I say anything other than “any day now!” A week ago, when I answered “5 or 6 more weeks” I was informed, “ooooh, yikes, that will be rough”. To which I usually just nod and mmm-hmm vaguely while trying not to roll my eyes.
I usually answer number two with “Large. Very, very large…”. When they say something brilliant and astute like “you must be getting tired”, I nod with raised eyebrows so as to appear impressed at their superior deductive reasoning skills.
If elaboration is required I can add “Hot (all.the.time.). Oh, and exhausted. My back hurts and my feet are sore, and I can do about a quarter of the needed housework in a day before feeling like I might lay down and have a nap right there on the laundry room floor.”
I don’t want to be *that* pregnant woman that always complains though. There are actually a lot of things I’m enjoying at this time in life… like my two kiddos that are both so ridiculously grown-up. I almost forgot what having a newborn is like (lots of work, little sleep I do remember though!). I’m loving being able to sleep all night long without being interrupted by a newborn that is so very dependent on me.
I’m excited to meet this baby and enter that stage of getting to know him or her, but I’m not rushing it. I am, for once, happy to live in the present.
I may be exhausted, but my kids are adorable. I may be large and sore, but the weather has been positively summer-ish and gorgeous and I’ve already gotten a sunburn. I may be slow and I may be a sight for sore eyes, but my kids entertain themselves with a pile of dirt outside for hours at a time. I may have to pee a bajillion times a day (and night), but I’m participating in an incredible life-giving process and watching tiny arms and legs kick out my belly from the inside.
On Friday we had a student from the college here in Tiny Town move in with us for the summer. In exchange for free room and board, she is essentially going to be my right hand – playing with the kids, taking care of them when I want to get stuff done, and babysitting on occasion while Chris and I sneak out for a little pre-baby “get-em-while-you-can” date.
Today I went grocery shopping by myself. Did housework and made meals while my children were outside, supervised. I think this is going to be my saving grace this summer. I also hope to get a bit more blogging done. I’ve been finding it difficult to keep up with housework lately since I’m moving so slow and having a lot of aches and pains, but hopefully this will allow me to get more done and still have energy left over to blog somewhat regularly.
My brain is fried. This post is overdue and scattered, but perhaps that is just appropriate for my life right now 🙂
I’ll be back soon with something more interesting.
I miss being pregnant. All the uncomfortableness, and oddities of it. Though the constant peeing I could do without, oh, and the heartburn. But other than that I loved it and miss it.
The American Homemaker
My “baby” is 11 years old, but I’m getting remarried this summer and it kind of freaks me out to read stuff like this and think that I could be having more babies in my future..
Oh and 2 of my 3 babies were born without an epidural… I’ve enjoyed reading your posts on natural childbirth. My exhusband was a paramedic and very anti-home birth, but I would consider it if I have more.
Wow, that would be a big gap between kiddos – they would have such a special relationship most likely. Good for you for being open to out-of-hospital birthing… I think it’s such a great idea that needs to come back into fashion!
My favourite question was, “This stage is tough but I know you are probably loving it too- is there anything I can do for you or anything you wish to talk about?” I rarely received that among the unhelpful comments but it was always wonderful to hear. Honestly though, If I don’t know someone well, I do the meaningless chit chat as I can’t think of anything else to say…but we both know it is just filling awkward space:)
Yeah, that would be nice… acknowledging of the wrestling between the toughness and the miracle of it all. Then offer to help. That pretty well would do it! I know people are (usually) meaning well, too 🙂
Tricia Mckenley
Oh Bethala, your belly looks fantastic. I wish I could see your lovely face too (but I totally understand,lol)
That’s amazing news about having someone around to help you out. What a true blessing. You’ll have 1 adult per child in your household, haha 🙂
I can’t wait to see this precious new baby. I don’t even have a prediction for what you are carrying, but the amazing thing is your having exactly what your suppose to be having.
All the best to you and your family in the coming weeks. Lots of love to you!
Yeah! We won’t be quite outnumbered yet! (Sorta). I have no idea of the gender either, but yesterday Chris said that he thinks it’s a boy. And then I dreamed that I had the baby and it was indeed a boy. 🙂 Love to you too 🙂
You are beautiful and I know this baby is going to be happy and bring so much joy to your family. Thank you for sharing your feelings about day to day happenings. My boys are now grown with families of their own.I am so thankful that I can read your posts and remember fondly those days when i couldn’t tie my shoes… laff, laff.
Please find the money for a massage therapist…. even 15 minutes… it is so worth it!
That is a really great suggestion actually… there’s one here in Tiny Town that doesn’t charge too much, so perhaps I will! Thanks for your sweet words 🙂
Sara just ran up to me, glanced at the picture on your blog, and said, “I think that person’s going to have a baby.”
(: She’s pretty bright.
HAHAHA! That’s hilarious! And so very cute! 🙂
Beth, what would you prefer to be asked by those who care about you but don’t want to be too personal – what would you say is a good general question?
Hey Marina! Good to hear from you! I don’t actually really mind the questions… it’s more just the repetitiveness of them, which is not the other person’s fault at all… I too find myself wanting to ask my pregnant friends/acquaintances the same thing 🙂 This is just a grumpy/hormonal pregnant woman’s rant… hopefully no one was offended. I actually really appreciate others showing care and concern.
The looks of horror and “oh you’re huge!” comments I could definitely do without though…
I’m guessing you could ask me anything you want without making me grouchy as long as you preface it with “you’re looking absolutely beautiful/cute/lovely/etc” or “pregnancy is beautiful on you!” or some such variation 🙂
I think maybe a good question instead of “how much longer” would be “has this pregnancy gone by quickly for you?” or something like that.
But, really, I wouldn’t worry about it. There’s really no predicting a pregnant woman’s hormones and moods, lol! And even if they’re grouchy, they probably really truly appreciate the sentiment 🙂